Pee Wee chicks

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Bigbird's picture
Pee Wee chicks

Noticing a lot of activity by 2 Pee Wees in our Norfolk Pine, I discovered their nest way up in the branches. Despite being near the top of the 30+ year old pine, I was surprised how big the mud nest seemed. Both adults were visiting the nest & I thought I could see 1 chick in the nest but when I looked at my photos I was delighted to find 2 chicks.

windshear's picture

Awww, how cute! :)

They're becoming a bit of a tight fit, I guess. :)

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Wonder how many trips it took the parent birds to build that impressive structure - and up so high too!  Nests always amaze me. Great stuff Bigbird, thanks so much for sharing!

West Coast Tasmania

Bigbird's picture

The photo was taken a week ago. Nest's now empty and we've got more Pee Wees in the garden smiley.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Fantastic! smiley

West Coast Tasmania

rawshorty's picture

Good to hear Bigbird, i love a feel good story.smiley

Shorty......Canon gear


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