Here it is walking around the edge of the Dam in our front yard, looking for dinner ! It's interesting to watch them hunt, I thought the would move about a lot, to stir things up but they do not. They step, then rock steady gaze, step, rock steady gaze, rinse and repeat...
Here's looking across the Dam to our mudbrick cottage (was taken when it was wetter, it's so dry now !)
On the upside, the Lillies are gorgeous in the Dam
Wow, it looks like a nice place you have there. Where is it?
Thanks. Northern NSW, near the Nymboida Rv.
Lovely photos. :)
I had never seen a White-Necked Heron up until a month or so ago, and now I see them regularly around the place. It seems to have been since the lack of rain has dried up a lot of the pools, they've been visiting places I regularly haunt (but where I hadn't seen them previously).
Gorgeous Heron shot greviousbh! I just commented on another post how I love the colours that show up in their feathers, really striking. Ripper Lilly shots too. Looks so peaceful & idyllic where you are!
West Coast Tasmania