After recently upgrading my operating system, the programme which I have been using to manage my photos (Iphoto) has failed... It is refusing to allow me to edit the photos due to some discrepancy with supported file types, which is somewhat problematical. Having never bothered to go any further than Iphoto for my needs, I have no idea what is the best thing to replace it with. The Internet seems to think that either Lightroom or Aperture is the best options for Macs, or using a online file sharing site (like Flickr). As I'm not keen on uploading all my photos onto the net, I thought I would go with one of the avaliable programmes.
However, as I have absolutely no experience about the pros and cons of the different systems, I was wondering if I could find out what people here use, regardless of operating system?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, Lachlan. If you ring Apple support they should be able to get your problem solved.
But for me i use Lightroom and love it. I think you would find most photographers use it.
Flickr is a great site to dump your photos on for linking to forum sites like BIBY, with the file size restrictions most sites have, the pics are degraded to much but with Flickr it shows as a small file on here but without loss of quality.
Shorty......Canon gear
Thanks, rawshorty, I hadn't thought of ringing Apple.
Shorty has a good point - Apple possibly have some sort of patch or upgrade that could fix the problem for you. Another option might even be the software your camera came with Lachlan? Even if the disk (assuming one was with the camera in the first place of course ) was missing, you can often just download the software for free from the manufacturers website. I used Canon's Zoombrowser and Digital Photo Professional (both came on disk with the camera). I later changed to Lightroom, loved it - it really does everything you want! But, when I moved from the darkside (or to the darkside depending on how you look at it, lol ), I didn't like the way Lightroom processed my Nikon RAW files to jpeg, it changed the colours too much, so I now use a basic Nikon program to organise/manage everything. Just my personal preference there I guess.
West Coast Tasmania
Just re-read your reply Shorty - that's interesting about Flickr. Perhaps that's why sometimes my shots appear a bit softer once I upload them from Photobucket? I wonder? Might go checkout the fine print & compare the file size restrictions between Photobucket & Flickr. Sorry Lachlan, not intending to hijack your thread!
West Coast Tasmania
Hi, Ruby. Give Photobucket the Flick(R) The only restriction with Flickr is you get 1 Terrabite for free You won't look back, it is much better than Photobucket.
Shorty......Canon gear
Hi, I use Picasa 3 to organise my photo files it makes it so easy to find and move around files or individual photos and its "free" .
For editing even though I have Photoshop cs6 I find myself using ACD pro more and more it costs a fraction of the price of PS and does (almost) everything PS does and is very user frendly.
There is a trial version avalible on line well worth a look.
cheers Mark
Am I correct that you are asking HOW to manage your image files on your computer? Flickr is great for online photo uploading, but I would never upload too high-res photos. Way too many image thieves on the net. I also have my own website on a server giving me 500Gb storage capacity.
As for managing images 'in-house':
I shoot RAW files for starters (God help me, I must be guilty of manipulating the hell out of my files!) and there are two programs I use to sort through them (iMac user) and a third for keywording.
1) To first go through images quickly I use Photo Mechanic, as it is very easy to scroll through with arrows and any that are not critically sharp can be deleted instantly upon full screen (27") preview by pressing DELETE then ENTER. It's a one hand process using three fingers.
2) Then I tend to go through Digital Photo Professional and use that to drag the RAW files onto my back up drive into the appropriate folder. Eg. If I have a photo of a White-bellied Sea Eagle, it is filed in the folder RAW FILES>BIRDS>ACCIPITRIDATE>White-bellied Sea Eagle. I have every species of bird catalouged in scientific families so I can easily find them.
3) I back the drive up every day to a second drive.
4) For keywording each image I can then open them up in Adobe Bridge and apply keywords etc.
I suppose at the end of the day everyone is different in the way of how they want to manage their files. I would always ensure I have at least two back-ups of all original, untouched RAW files for me.
I totally agree here rawshorty .... Flickr is far superior to use. I do not upload anything too hi res though as Canon guy says..... people steal stuff. But I have also removed the ability to download the original sized image which is a pro account feature I think.
I use an old version of Photoshop Cs3 , but I often find it easy to view my folders etc just in windows or picasa too. For editing though I use Adobe bridge and CS3 . I am just not experienced enough in file management to use bridge to sort stuff yet..... I get confused and forget what i have so I resort to looking at the basic folder view etc in Windows.
Are you a student at all Lachlan? there is the ability for a small fee to get access to the whole adobe suite online for about $12 a month I think, but I think you have to be a student to access it ..
Sunshine Coast Queensland
For those that worry about there pics being stolen from Flickr, just set them to private and no one can see them but you can still link to sites like this but it is only a small XXXkb file and it won't take you back to the original file on Flickr.
If you want friends to be able to see them just set it to friends only and they will be able to see them but not anyone else.
Shorty......Canon gear
I musst investigate that .... I hadn't realised it was a possibility to share but still keep them private. thanks rawshorty
Sunshine Coast Queensland