Killer Heron

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BajanAlan's picture
Killer Heron

East Point, NT

windshear's picture

Lovely action shot, Alan. :)

laza's picture


Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

Annie W
Annie W's picture

I'd be flying fast too with a long sharp beak like that following my behind laugh.  Beautiful Alan - love the angle of the bird in the rear, almost looks like his wing tip is about to connect with the surface of the water.  Lovely!

West Coast Tasmania

BajanAlan's picture

H i Ruby Wing did drag in water during chase!

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Fantastic!  Love seeing a bit of interesting action like this!  Unfortunately when I see it, I'm not very good at capturing it, blush lol, so glad there are fellas like you who are!  Did he catch up to him, (assuming it was a rival?), or just give chase?

West Coast Tasmania

BajanAlan's picture

Hi Ruby

They flew out of site!

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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