As some of you might know when i started birding at the beginning of the year i set myself an ambitious total of 200 bird species for my first year, only ticking them if i got a photo. Anyway a couple of weeks ago i was on 190 so myself and Ian deceided to take the long drive to Lake Cargelligo to try and get 10 more.
Really wanting to get my total i thought i would get myself a birding expert to make sure i did, so a quick email to Peter (pacman) and the weekend was planned.
On the way up myself and Ian were talking about all the birds we should get after reading good reports of the area, but an hour from our destination we had to make a quick stop to get some shots of the sunset over the wheat fields.
Sunset West Wyalong-9357 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Sunset West Wyalong-9357 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Anyway we arrived with Peter already at the cabin and straight away we go through our plan for the next day. We deceided first stop should be the poo ponds before the heat gave the place an aroma we did not want to experience
Well i could not believe the bird life there.( just a sample )
Red-necked Avocet-2381 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Red-necked Avocet-2381 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Red-capped Plover-2363 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Red-capped Plover-2363 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Black-winged Stilt-2349 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Black-winged Stilt-2349 by rawshorty, on Flickr
After a great morning we went looking for more at other locations around we had looked into and it seemed everywhere we went there were new birds for me.
White-browed Woodswallow juvinile-3267 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] White-browed Woodswallow juvinile-3267 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Little Friarbird-3443 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Little Friarbird-3443 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Forest Kingfisher-3418 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Forest Kingfisher-3418 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Buff-rumped Thornbill-2733 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Buff-rumped Thornbill-2733 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Variegated Fairywren female-3082 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Variegated Fairywren female-3082 by rawshorty, on Flickr
After a great weekend and some great spotting from Peter (i have not yet gone through all my pics yet) but i have exceeded my total
Great photos mate and well done reaching your goal
Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well
awesome photos mate well done at reaching your goal

Well done shorty, nice bit of bush up there. Love to have a lens like that
Congrats on reaching your goal Shorty!! Fantastic photo's, that Buff-rumped Thornbill & the Avocet are especially spectacular favs for me. You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I could find some poo ponds
, probably all down South too, with the majority of the Wetlands.
West Coast Tasmania
High five Shorty
! What a tremendous effort , your photos are amazing as always and such an achievement . Birds are just totally awseome aren't they
200 is a big big list , would love for you to post your list when you have time, can't wait to have a sticky at it , or even better create a set on your flickr of your 200
. So ,,,next year what's your ambitious challenge ????
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Nice comments will not get you out of the birding guide invoice that will be sent shortly.
A good weekend and I got 4 new birds for my list - and left 'The Lake' (as it is known by the Parkes locals) with a live version of Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd at loud volume.
Thanks, Laza and Tezza.
Thanks, David. Yes it is an excellent spot, so much birdlife. It is only a cheap lens, less than $2 a mm.
Thanks, Ruby. You don't have poo ponds? Where do your #2's end up
Thanks, Shoop. I sure am pleased with myself
I will compile a list soon that i can post, as for flickr not all the pics are worthy
Not setting a goal for next year as i want to get back to different styles of photography but i won't stop shooting the birds
Peter, don't forget to deduct for every time you pointed out a Gallah. I suspect you will owe me
Shorty......Canon gear
What, you mean it doesn't magically go "poof" when the toilet's flushed?
The only potential poo paradise I have found was all under cover. Must get on the phone tomorrow and find out a bit more info about our local poo distribution. I can just hear the conversation now....

West Coast Tasmania
Most of Tassies poo goes to treatment plants, which use settling ponds and I don't know what to break down the crap. The clean(ish) water is apparently then fit to be put into our rivers and oceans. Some say it is drinkable, but I am not going there.
Congrats on 200, and as always stunning results for your efforts.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Thanks, Dale. You would be surprised how many councils are returning effluent into drinking water
Shorty......Canon gear
Dale, do you know if Tas settling ponds differ from mainland poo pond type places? Meaning I guess, does Tas have any that are known/acceptable birding environments/places that someone can get permission to visit?
West Coast Tasmania
Amazing photos, Shorty. :) My favourite would have to be the White Browed Woodswallow and the Red-Capped Plover. Such little cuties. :)
Well done on completing your challenge.
Congrats on reaching 200 for the year, Shorty. And thanks for sharing the photos!
That's very good bang for the bucks, Sigma 150-500? ad
Congrats for achieving your goal, Shorty. Magnificent shots, as usual.
Melbourne, VIC
Ruby, the only ones I am aware of are more like oversized swimming pools, plastic, metal, water and poo. Might be worth enquiring with Taswater, about other facilities.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Thanks, everyone for your kind comments.
David, yes Sigma 150-500.
Shorty......Canon gear
wonderful pictures - i have been following the forum only recently and had assumed you must have been doing bird photography for many years from the amazing quality of your pictures. I hope you are going to continue next year so i can see more of your pictures. I particularly love the little wood swallow ...
Thanks Dale
West Coast Tasmania
Congrats on your achievement - winderful photos as usual. Finally went to the Jerra wetlands the other day - luckily did not see a snake but did not see any interesting bird life either. Need your "eagle eyes" I recon.
Cheers Diane
No just a Sherpa..dial pacm...and pay the fee...
Thanks, Whistling duck. I will still be shooting the birds but also spending a little more time on other things.
Thanks, Diane. The snakes have moved around a bit so not so many around, the wetlands have been quiet of late but i go there everyday so my chances of seeing something are increased.
Shorty......Canon gear
wanted to ask about your sigma lens -now I know it takes great photos. I love my canon 400mm prime lens but it does have its restrictions particularly if a bird is too close. Am thinking of get a zoom lens and wondered if the sigma would fit on my canon eos 7d. The "sherpa" is against it recons you get a better quality with a prime lens. But I am doing different photography to him, there is a huge difference between landscapes and BIF. So I would like your opinion please and also how heavy is the 150-500 sigma lens.
Thanks Shorty
Cheers Diane
Hi, Diane. First off i would like to say that my lens doesn't take great shots.........i do
Ok time to be serious.
I do love the zoom of the lens, my latest Wedgie shots where at 250mm so if i had a prime i would have missed the shots.
I use mine on my 7D, so yes.
Your "Sherpa" should be correct with his statement, primes are a better option. ( except when your to close )
The Sigmas AF is slow and not much good for BIF, i usually take a dozen or more shots to get 1 keeper but it is fine for still birds.
Your 400 is 1250g, the Sigma is 1780g so 1/2 a kilo more.
I will be at the wetlands tomorrow morning, so if you want come down and we will do a lens swap for a few shots.
Shorty......Canon gear
Thanks Shorty
What time will you be at the wetlands - happy to meet you there!
About 6-630, will be there till about 1030
Shorty......Canon gear
probably be there about 7.30 - see you ther - Diane
Just an idle thought, Diane, if you want the extra range for landscapes, maybe the 50-500mm version would be better?
I can't remember excatly from when I was doing research, but the two are mostly the same in quality (I read that one is slightly better)... But then I exiled myself to the distant wastelands found at 300mm, so you can probably ignore me!
A wonderful achievement shorty - congratulations and beautifully captured! If ever I have the pleasure of meeting you in person then I shall buy you a drink.
Are you going to try to beat your 200 goal before the end of the year?
Shorty......Canon gear
I'm with you on this one shorty go for the Dom and likewise "i dislike Sydney with a passion. ( too many people,traffic and pollution for me )." I like my bush. ad
he could do that easlily but keeps tryign to get out of the guiding fees
ps the guide is off to Rankins Springs, NSW this weekend - in lieu of a long drive
Just ... wow, shorty!
As a new member, I've been trawling through a lot of old posts, and have been mesmerised by your pics of dragonflies, platypus, kangaroos, and, of course, birds. Then I went to Flickr for more, and saw that you've got weather pics too (among others).
Each photo you've posted is beautiful, but as a collection they're absolutely amazing.
I think i'll go the beer, David. Yep bush is good that is why i choose to live in the "Bush Capital"
We do have one hill that has problem children but the rest are good.
Peter, i wonder what fees i will have to charge for the Painted and Black Honeyeaters
Thank you very much, Samantha. I am glad you have enjoyed them as much as i have enjoyed taking them.
Shorty......Canon gear
Simply lovely captures.
Thanks, Dennis. Thanks to some new arrivals in Canberra i am up to 218
(latest Painted Snipe (poor pic) )
Shorty......Canon gear
that's another 1 that I haven't seen
You might have to have a Canberra weekend
Been trying to get the Singing Honeyeater, maybe tommorrow.
Shorty......Canon gear