Insect eater but which one?

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kathiemt's picture
Insect eater but which one?

I've gone through all the insect eaters in the bird finder here but can't find one with an image that looks like this one. So hoping someone can ID it please.

Seen at Birdsland Reserve, Belgrave, Victoria.

---'s picture

It looks like a Yellow-faced Honeyeater to me.

kathiemt's picture

I wondered if it were a honeyeater but then it actually swooped above my head to catch and insect and then land in the tree where I took its photo. So I assumed it was an insect eater.

Selby, Victoria

---'s picture

Most honeyeaters eat insects and spiders as well as nectar.

kathiemt's picture

Thanks, I didn't know that. Sorry for the slow response. I'm having the most awful trouble getting this site to load. It's been very, very slow.

But I do appreciate the ID and I'll have to remember to think outside of the box, or rather the evidence, next time :-)

Selby, Victoria

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