Now there's a good reason why I didn't say what kind of babies in the topic, and that's because instantly that I did, it might put people off. I know they're not the most popular birds in creation, but they are one of the most plentiful around my work.
The humble Brush Turkey!
I came across some completely, insanely adorable chicks this afternoon on my stroll. Thought I would share them with you. :)
There were about four older chicks hanging around, and the young one scuffling through a fairly protected area of a garden, but no sign of any adults.
How can you look at the young one's wittle tail and tell me that's not adorable.
I guess everything's cute when it's young.
I love Bush Turkeys! Or, at least ever since they smugly savaged some of my Mum's orchids (this was, of course, after she commented that they should be safe from them)! They have sooo much character ...
Never seen any young ones before though; and you're right, they're so adorable! And absurd, but aren't all chicks?
Nawww, too right they're adorable! I've never seen any before, let alone the young ones. A third vote for cute chicks from me, doesn't matter which species they are, just something so fresh & innocent and cute about them all! Love that you were able to get two family stages here too, precious!
West Coast Tasmania
I am another on the love side - but then I don't have them at my place so that could have something to do with it...