Leschenault /Collie River Hike

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laza's picture
Leschenault /Collie River Hike

Not too much around during the festive season and  even a couple of bemused locals at the inlet was wondering why I was bothering. Though ironically a couple of birds blending into their surroundings were the highlight. Went down to Collie River at Eaton to see that young osprey was still flourishing after leaving the next last year, plus a cormorant only branch

ihewman's picture

Is that a Brush Bronzewing I see? Very nice!

Brandon (aka ihewman)

Araminta's picture

I'd love to go for a nice hike and see all those birds. What kind of Parrot is this? I still haven't seen an Osprey from close up.

Nice work.


laza's picture

Thanks guys , yes I would have never noticed the bronzewing if he hadnt been letting out his rather distinctive call.

That's a Redcap parrott, my favourite of many parrots we get here in the South west of WA and yes we have also been very lucky in recent years  to have a large increase in  Osprey population in the area

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well


Great pics ... the little pied cormorant doesn't want to share the branch with the sea gull! 

Tezza's picture

amazing shots laza 

about a week ago their was three ospreys at the big swamp up after only a couple of shots they flew off to the collie river direction and one looked younger then the others so i wonder if thats the same one you found


laza's picture

That is interesting Tezza

Besides the pair out an Belverdere park and these three on Collie River near the Pratt St Bowling.

Ive noticed a pair around Port area and one which likes to sit on the light poles on Koombana Dr and watch inlet.

That bird may also be the one I spot regularly on Preston River between Australind Bypass bridge and south west hwy parallel to Robinson dr.

I have no idea of Osprey operating range so its hard to know whether its the same birds or many. Obviously im hoping its the latter

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

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