Please help ID dove/pigeon fledgling

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peepeep's picture
Please help ID dove/pigeon fledgling

I'd be grateful if you can identify this young bird for me. It fell out of a tree at my place in the Illawarra a few weeks ago with a damaged wing, but nothing broken, I don't think.

It is quite a dark grey all over its back, with the irridescent green/purple shimmer that I think is characteristic of pigeons. But I haven't come across any photographed pigeons with the white throat, which is becoming quite distinctive. Its call is a faint "peep peep", which is what I've named it.

It's eating fruit and seed by itself now, and I plan to release it when the weather gets cooler and there is more feed around.

Many thanks


dwatsonbb's picture

Possibly a feral Rock Pigeon

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

zosterops's picture

I'm going with White-headed Pigeon. 

peepeep's picture

Hi Dale and zosterops

Thanks for your replies. I have a couple of White-headeds around the place, but they have a very defined, completely white head, with red rings around the eyes and red feet. So unless she changes a fair bit (does that happen?), I'm not sure about that.

I thought she might be a feral rock pigeon, I just haven't come across the white throat/cheek marking, which is quite defined, particularly in profile.

Thanks again for your suggestions. I think she may be one or the other.


zosterops's picture

I think your bird looks quite similar to this though i could well be wrong

dwatsonbb's picture

I reckon your right zosterops. Birds will change and develop as they grow, often fledgling/juveniles look nothing like the end product.

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

ihewman's picture

Don't forget that Rock Doves are very variable due to domestic breeding... it's unlikely that it would be a true wild Rock Dove - that's if it is one.

Brandon (aka ihewman)

peepeep's picture

The photos of the fledglings that zosterops links to are the image of mine. It needs to change a fair bit to look like the adult - but I hope there's time for me to see that process. The plumage of the adults around here is much more of a pale grey, and the head a block of white, as in zosterops' top photo. Naturally, I'm hoping she's an aristocrat, but I have my doubts!

The other variety I came across that looked similar, with the throat, is the "metallic pigeon", the "Lord Howe" version of which is extinct. I don't know whether there are other varieties of "metallic pigeon" in Australia. Furthermore, from photos I found of the metallic online, the plumage is very irridescent blue/purple/grey-looking, much more impressive than peepeep's.

Thanks again, I really appreciate it.

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