More great photos .... You caught so much amazing detail in the white feathers.
The little pied coromorants always seem to have a bad tempered or annoyed look on their faces. I have not seen two little pieds together, though often I have seen little pieds drying their winds alongside black cormorants or darters.
wow thats amazing .... eight little pied cormorants sittong on a branch. I seen groups of the other cormorants ... but only solitary LPCs. Thanks for posting that.
He looks so hopeful too. :)
... or he could have been on the lookout for raptors.
Melbourne, VIC
More great photos .... You caught so much amazing detail in the white feathers.
The little pied coromorants always seem to have a bad tempered or annoyed look on their faces. I have not seen two little pieds together, though often I have seen little pieds drying their winds alongside black cormorants or darters.
Hi WhistlingDuck, more than one little pied cormorant sitting on this branch
wow thats amazing .... eight little pied cormorants sittong on a branch. I seen groups of the other cormorants ... but only solitary LPCs. Thanks for posting that.