OK gang - inspired by Saturday night's Hello Birdy ep - lets see any photos of Australian Megapodes and other ground-dwellers so the birds to include are:
Emu, Southern Cassowary, Malleefowl, Orange-footed Scrubfowl, Australian Brush-turkey, and the quails (King, Stubble, Brown).
Buff-banded Rail
Because there doesn't seem to be a rush to post, I post one more Buff-banded Rail

Posted before, but fits the bill.
Tasmanian Native Hen (endemic) with chicks - one of only 3 flightless birds in Australia.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Here is flightless bird No2, the little Fairy Penguin waiting for the parents to come back.
( taken on Phillip Island during the breeding season, sitting in one of the boxes they put up on hills for them)
Might not fit this category either?

one more, just because Babies are so cute when they sleep.
ML that means there are four (flightless birds) Southern Cassowary, Tassie Native Hen, the Emu, and now the Little Penguin, but then do we include other species of Penguin. Initially I thought Penguins might not be included, because they are found on other continents and countries, however the Southern Cassowary are also found in New Guinee. Also of interest, the male Native Hen is still a hen, usually a term for the female. More interesting facts.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
I always thought the Fairy Penguin is endemic to Australia? (will have to google it
)As so often, I might be wrong
Just found out that they also live in NZ and some in Chile.
Australian Brush turkey. Not the best photo's but they're all I have
I can only post ones that I have posted before.
Wild Emus dashing off the track when they heard us coming
Quail at Denmark.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Orange Footed Scrubfowl seen in Darwin
Was lucky enough to get one shot of this little guy before he took off into the bush.
Shooting Birds with a Canon.
Does this qualify as flightless? A three-legged, two-headed Emu, near Woomera!
Great photo of the Emu M.L. - looks like it was having a bad hair day!