This was taken in the late afternoon at Sydney Olympic Park around the edge of the mangrove. There were butcher birds, dollarbirds, various honeyeaters and wattlebirds in the same small group of low trees. Maybe a juvenile little wattlebird?
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Young Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike.
Why do you think it's a young BFCS, Steve?
It's not that I'm doubting your ID, but for the benefit of the less experienced birders on this forum, a justification of your identifications is valuable information for novice birders which will help improve their skill and confidence when IDing birds.
Brandon (aka ihewman)
Definitely a juvenile BFCS. Wattlebirds are much more 'streaky' over their body, this guy is flat grey and has that thick cuckoo-shrike bill.
Also, the black stripe goes clearly behind the eye, eliminating a White-bellied Cuckooshrike.
Looks like a very young bird, so his 'scruffiness' does make it harder to ID :)