It seems that Powerful Owls normally snatch their prey from trees but friends of ours had a an owl swoop on their (midbrown) poodle one night last week. It came within a metre before pulling away and watching from a low branch nearby.
We have also noticed that when we walk our (much larger) dogs at night near Powerful Owl locations, they will often fly down to a lower branch for a closer look.
We have heard that a particular golf course that has many rabbits was thought to be a target for owls so we packed a light lunch and went wandering around the nearby bushland.
Great pics ... Well spotted to find one
Great shots, nice and clear
Great shots, making its feelings known in the first.
Hi WhistlingDuck, BabyBirdwatcher and Rick N,
Many thanks for your positive comments.
We were very lucky to chance upon it...we looked in the same area today
but there was no sign of it. We suspect it might be a young one trying its
way in the big world but perhaps someone who knows about these things can advise?
By the way, Rick N, it was actually yawning in the first photo...we just chose the
most dramatic one. Below is the series of images taken about one second apart.
Cheers and thanks,
Gosh I love to see these daytime shots.... especially with their little beaks open . They are beautiful shots indeed . Just thinking ... I guess if you are a rodent or a marsupial their beaks do not seem so little
Sunshine Coast Queensland
You don't worry about the beak Birdie, you worry about those massive talons! They do all the damage!
Haha I never thought of that Canonguy... do they tear their food with their talons or their beaks ...or both?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hardly little. They are pretty large creatures. 60-70cm.
Wonderful shots & info as usual Antonia! The first shot in the second set, the expression caught in that frame is priceless - almost looks like he's looking at something that's highly amusing.
Gee, they're that big richman? I've had a couple of lucky almost encounters with the Tas Masked Owl recently - the best only a beautiful silhouette above and magnificent screech, but I was in awe of the size of them (they're around 50cm), but 60-70! Wow. Magnificent creatures Owls.
West Coast Tasmania
Second photo made me think: "What, I'm supposed to be a predator. You can't blame me if you keep food as pets!"
I guess I was underestimating their size with that comment ..... had forgotten how large they are , and sometimes photos can lull you into a false sense of such things!!! Still think the beak shots are particularly full of character big as they may be
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Wow!! Antonia these are amazing images, love them all. I can't pick a favorite their all so good
I keep looking & looking & looking for Owls and not seen 1 to date but theres always tomorrow, I live in hope.