Howdy everyone!
A massive thank you and WELL DONE to all of those who participated and enjoyed last week's challenge. I am so thrilled with how many of you all came on board to contribute and get us up to 23 birds! Its a challenge we will definitely run again in the future. You might have noticed that I have changed the title to include 'Challenge' in it - I had been thinking for a while that simply 'Bird of the Week' doesnt' sum up what these threads are about. It is designed to make you think, maybe give you an opportunity to go out and take some photos in that theme that week or trawl through old images again, looking for that shot that fits into the theme. I was also wondering whether these challenges need their own subforum under the Bird Photos or are we happy just to keep them pinned weekly to the top of the photo section?
A big well done to all of those who get involved with the ID challenges that run in the general section. Its a wonderful initiative that you all have set up yourselves.
Also had some ideas sent to me for future challenges, and this was one that was included in it. Another thanks for the ideas. It can be hard to think of a new theme each week and I feel all lot of pressure after last week's success
I have a few ideas up my sleeve now but always looking for more
So this week's theme is 'Where's Wally'. The concept is as follows (and brings in some of the ID challenge threads concepts):
- One person posts a photo of a bird (or birds of the same species) hidden/camoflagued in the shot somewhere. A 'Where's Wally' type shot... It may be any old bird that happens to have hidden itself in a photo you have taken or a bird well known for its camoflauging skills (e.g. Tawny Frogmouth). Make sure you let people know how many birds there are that they have to look for.
- The person to correctly locate (either just by description e.g. top right next to the tree or putting a circle around the shot) and ID the bird, can then post the next photo if they have one. If not, they can open it up for someone else to have their turn. So only one photo puzzle being solved at a time.
- Limit of 3 guesses/photos posted per person throughout the week to ensure everyone has the chance to have a go.
Any questions?
A fantastic week for sure! I think the changed title is superb Holly and think BOWChallenge has earnt it's own subforum for sure, really clarifies the difference between this and the general BP section too, which is especially handy for new or revisiting members to see.
A relatively easy one to start with from me.
edit by Holly: AnnieJ don't give away the bird ID - leave that up to the other members! But for everyone - there are 2 birds in the shot - can you find them?
West Coast Tasmania
This is so exciting! Well done Holly, I have been enjoying these so much.
Ok here goes, this is my 'Where's Wally' photo.
(Holly, when someone geusses I can answer telling them if they are right or wrong can't I? Please tell me if I have got the wrong idea
edit - saving this one for later :)
Absolutely Elise - you need to tell them if they are right or not. But lets solve one puzzle before going to the next one... Do you want to hold off on yours till we solve AnnieJ's.
I thought it might get too confusing if we have multiple photos going at once.
Ohhh, I see (duh me) - thanks Holly
West Coast Tasmania
Yes, I'm so sorry. My comuter is quite slow an just as I posted my photo it showed that AnnieJ had
I can't find out how to remove my post which I have been trying to do ever since I made the mistake. Could you?
Once again I am really sorry, I didn't mean to mess it up
No worries Elsie! I removed it and we can save it for later - can you guess AnnieJ's one?
Great idea for a theme again this week Holly ..... AnnieJ .... I can see two white birds, one up high in the foliage of the same tree the obvious one is in ..... are they White Bellied Sea Eagles??? I can't really tell
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Thanks Holly
I think so, Are they two Grey Goshalks in white morph? One is in the bottom of the photo on the right hand side and the other is to the right side of the nest, on level with the top of the nest and behind some leaves?
I couldn't get my computer to let me circle anything. I hope that this is a good enough description
It is a very lovely photo AnnieJ
So sorry birdie, not the clearest/closest of shots from me to ID them. You've picked the possie spot on, and it is a raptor.....
Bingo on both counts Elsie, well done - your turn!
West Coast Tasmania
Here I go! Good luck, I hope that it isn't too hard
There is one bird in this photo.
Two birds, as far as I know!
edit - Hey Woko - Elise's turn to post as she just guessed the correct answer to AnnieJ's puzzle. Guess her's and then you will be up next
Good idea for the challenge. It is going to be hard to identify them if its going to be hard to spot them.
My guess for the first is a Grey Goshawk.
Elsie, I think yours is a Brown Goshawk close to the top-middle of the photo.
Sorry, I've jumped the gun (metaphorically speaking, of course).
I can see a white faced herron dead centre.
Sorry Woko, you'll have to guess again. Nice try though
Yay! good job Mark, you are spot on - your turn
Well I think I have deleted hundreds of photos which would have been perfect for this challenge
Heres one I prepared earlier. Good luck.
Specific ident. not required.
Is it a white bird on top of the closest tree? Not sure which species though...
White bird in centre of photo, just above house?
maybe Egret?
Shorty......Canon gear
I'm going to give to NathanY, but not convinced he is looking at the right white thing.
It is actually a bird in flight above the tree.
Cropped view.
And this is the bird, maybe a nankeen kestrel.
Over to you Nathan.
Oh I did not pick that, was too busy scouring the pond. Good one! Well done Nathan!
West Coast Tasmania
Sorry, Holly. Confusion was reigning here. Probably still is!
I was definitely looking at the bird, not at the top of the tree trunk, maybe
This may require a sharp eye, as only the head, a wing, and a small tail feather can be seen, but it shouldn't be too hard
Hi Nathan I'm guessing a Honeyeater , New Holland Honeyeater.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
All good Woko - hope we are all OK
I am away today guys too guys sorry (funeral
), so hopefully this thread will keep going along fine
Agree with Shoop .... alas too late !!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Quite right you are, shoop.
That was a tricky one Nathan
, now I suppose it is my turn
. Hope this one isnt too easy cause it is about the only one I could find.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Australian Hobby, dead centre?
Edit: If I'm right, post another one Shoop. I won't be around soon enough to do it.
Lachlan I would say you are right cause I myself are not 100% sure it this was a Hobby or a Peregrine falcon. I was on the other side of the lake when I saw this bird fly over the lake and into the tree . I can only say by the speed it was travelling it made me think it could have possibly be a falcon.
As for posting another, I am all out for now
. So I will leave this to the next person who wishes to have a turn ( maybe Woko ) as he had a guess earlier .
I am really enjoying these challenges , well done Holly and to those who had sugguestions
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Finding this one should not be hard but id could be harder.
Double barred finch in the puddle?
Spot on Lachlan.
Yay! Great, I wasn't really sure what it was...
Hopefully this is ok; Where's Wally? No need for ID
Centre of photo, below the branch - just the tip of a tail.
The tail hanging down under the branch??? Couldnt hazard an ID even if I tried
!!! Can someone else find a shot though as I have been through mine and just can't find one ( if I am correct that is )
Sunshine Coast Queensland
OK Des .... if lachlan confirms then it looks like it is you ... hope you have something good for us
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Yep, it's the tail below the branch! Though it was in the spirit of Where's Wally, as you don't always get to see him.
Your go Des.
Now comes the hard part! I'm in the same situation as you birdie, and I suspect many others too. I haven't found a photo to post, though I've been through the archives for the last couple of years. I think I would have deleted as useless anything that might have fitted the bill! Rather than hold everything up, I will have to throw it open to anyone who has a suitable photo to post it, and keep looking in case I am lucky enough to have another chance. Please, someone keep it going!!!!!!!! Is that alright Holly?
To keep it going, 1 bird in pic. Hope it is not too hard.
Flickr has changed so i hope this works.
Shorty......Canon gear
Thanks for keeping it going guys - rawshorty I can't see the picture and the link isn't working either.
If you don't have a photo, then just throw it open to someone else to have a go. It is a challenging one both in terms of finding the bird and having the photo in the first place!
Yea, flickr has become more awesome again
got two up now though, but it is the same pic.
Shorty......Canon gear
I think there might be something with a dark body and a patch of white - maybe a Eurasian Coot, just to the left of the nestin box. That's all I can see.
No, I was completely wrong and seeing things! It is a Dusky Moorhen at the fring of the reeds on the right side.
Not a Coot and not at that location.
Shorty......Canon gear
Dusky Moorhen
That's the one, Des. Did you go to my flickr and look at the full size pic?
Over to you.
Shorty......Canon gear
Whoops, too slow... At least I pointed out the moorhen for desbee
No, I was completely wrong and seeing things! It is a Dusky Moorhen at the fring of the reeds on the right side.
That's the one, Des. Did you go to my flickr and look at the full size pic?
Over to you.
No, the link didn't work for me.