Hi i found this site quite a while ago, it is a great website with great people who enjoy observing birds. I love birdwatching i normally go birdwatching at Georges River. I am 14 years old and i love all wildlife. I enjoy being out in the bush just relaxing and watching all the wildlife. I also enjoy taking photos with my Nikon 500d.
Welcome Tim,
Great to have another young birder on the website as I am 15 years old and also love birdwatching around the Northern Beaches reigon. Look forward to seeing some photos from you. If you want to ask me any questions or just chat you can send me a private message (up in the top right corner in the message section). Hope you enjoy the forum
A big welcome from me too
. I'm looking forward to see some of your photos.
You will find a few more young and very knowledgeable members on the forum.
And welcome from me, too. I'm an old-timer but that doesn't stop me from asking questions. There's lots to learn & lots to contribute so I for one am looking forward to hearing lots from you, Tim.
A warm welcome Tim. So glad you have been enjoying this site, so wonderful that you obviously have such a fantastic connection with the natural world. Would love to see some shots of your local birdlife down the track!
West Coast Tasmania
Hi Tim, glad you joined the site. I enjoyed your photos from NZ and hope to see some more pics of what you are seeing. I been a few times to Georges River mostly around Chipping Norton Lakes and Lansdowne - had a number of great sightings there.
Welcome Tim! This is a wonderful site full of lovely people who are happy to help (I am just 15 too btw).
I hope that you enjoy your time here
and can't wait to see more of your photos.