Kites vs Seagull

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laza's picture
Kites vs Seagull

Was lucky enough when down at Peppermint Beach Capel WA yesterday to see the spectacle of a bunch of Whistling kites chase a seagull well out to sea.

Unfortunately the distance was too far out to get real clear shots with Nikon 300mm lens but still a sight to see.

3 birds carried out coordinated attack runs while another 3 circled above like they were providing fighter escort support

Attack lasted a few minutes and the seagull looked to be none the worse for wear for experience

Araminta's picture

Must have been fascinating to watch.What a great experience. Looks as if all of them had a go at the Gull, one after the other.

Well done getting that many photosyes



Very interesting shots and story - you think the gull was on their menu?

laza's picture

Not sure WD, I think Gull had strayed from beach area into paddocks where Kites terrority and was being chased off.

I initially thought raptors were Ospreys as they went so far out to ocean

Never seen anything like that before, its usually raptors being harrassed by smaller birds

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well


Thanks laza  .... must have been quite a sight. 

windshear's picture

Wow, that is pretty interesting! smiley

I bet the gull thought he was safe once he got back over his own lines.

Thanks for sharing!

al's picture

Superb shots, laza.

I think the raptors are 1st year White-bellied Sea-Eagles.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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