Musk Lorikeets

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Musk Lorikeets

I finally managed to capture some images of the Musk Lorikeets that have blessd us with their presence this year.


Great shots rich man, very colorful birds.

Where did you see them?


I've seen them in many places in Sydney and Central Coast but usually high up, flying over or when I am sans camera. Neutral Bay, Pymble, Turramurra, The Domain, Bondi, Coogee, These ones were in a low flowering gum tree at Doonside in Sydney's West. They are noticable by their similar but higher pitched call to the rainbow (lorikeet) some say it sounds more mettallic or chimey. I have been trying to get a decent shot since early spring as they are very agile and busy when feeding on flowering gums.


Thanks richman .... I sometimes go around the m7 cycleway so I might detour around doonside.  I haven't cycled the M7 for a while, so this is good incentive. 

Araminta's picture

How good is that Richard? Glad you finally got some photos.yes I love the various shades of colours they display, also when the sun reflects on them. The first photo is just beautiful, love the flowers on the Gum , looks so delicate.



Worth sticking your head into the Nurragingy reserve though not terribly exciting, I did see some Eastern Rosellas, plenty of Magpies, Butcher birds, Firetails, Thornbills, Fairy Wrens, Black ducks and Ibis. I was also on my bike and cycled down to Prospect Reservior which is shut for upgrades til December (bugger) Also many Galahs around the few parks in Doonside. (otherwise not a particularly attractive suburb)


Thanks for the tip Richman  ... i will check out Nurragingy reserve. 

Thats annoying to cycle down there and find that Prospect Reservior is closed!!

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Lovely shots. One of my favourite birds, just love the red and green contrast.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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