Calling all Sydney-siders: The Powerful Owl Project

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Holly's picture
Calling all Sydney-siders: The Powerful Owl Project

Hi guys

Birds in Backyards has just launched a new survey for Sydney-siders - we want to know all about Sydney's Powerful Owls. If people see or hear one can then email me ( with the location and any other details. We are also looking for Owl Observers, volunteers who would like to keep an eye on a nest site near them.
All the info is on the Powerful Owl project page:
A big thanks for Windhover for letting me choose from too many gorgeous photos!


Raven's picture

There is one that frequents the local cemetery area near here, haven't seen the bird since I was last up there in Feb looking for Common Koels. Will try and go up this weekend and see if it turns up.

Holly's picture

That would be great Raven thanks! Good luck.

Windhover's picture

You are most welcome Holly.
And as promised, will keep you posted of our lower mountains nest site if anything happens. :)
Just for info, what are the boundaries set for Sydney for this project?

Holly's picture

Hopefully many saw the article in the SMH this morning. Here is the link

We were focussing on the Sydney basin but happy to take sightings from just outside the region. I did an interview with ABC Newcastle this morning.

If anyone wants to listen you can hear me on 702 this afternoon at about 2:20

Raven's picture

Interesting article in the Manly Daily (local rag) Wed 06th July 2011: "Threatened Species, Powerful Owl Back In The Wild. On page 4 covering an injured Powerful Owl left for dead on Barrenjoey Road after struck by a car and it's return to the wild this week.

marita.macrae's picture

A Powerful Owl with a Ringtail Possum was roosting in Fig Trees in Park St Mona Vale on Monday April 21 2014

marita.macrae's picture

A Powerful Owl with a Ringtail Possum was roosting in Fig Trees in Park St Mona Vale on Monday April 21 2014

marita.macrae's picture

A Powerful Owl with a Ringtail Possum was roosting in Fig Trees in Park St Mona Vale on Monday April 21 2014

BabyBirdwatcher's picture

Hi Marita,

Thankyou for letting us know, I might go down and check that out this afternoon. Do you think it will still be there?

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