one Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

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Araminta's picture
one Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

One lone Sulphur-crested Cockatoo ventured into my garden this morning. In a combined effort, dogs, little birds and I, we managed to convince the bird to go back into town and stay with a few hundred of his mates and wreck other people’s houses. Preferably the ones where people feed them. Had to take a photo before I waved my arms frantically in the air to make it go away and not come back.

Reflex's picture

Magnificent shot as always Araminta.

I read somewhere the other day that these birds can live beyond 70 years in captivity.

Samford Valley Qld.

Elsie's picture

Beautiful photo M-Lheart I love the solid white of the bird on the lovely soft backround.

So lovelysmiley

cassie.c87's picture

Fantastic photo M-L. I hardly see Cockatoo's here other than the odd 2-4 that come and go but have heard they can be quite the pest 

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