The rain stopped just for a few minutes, so I ventured out in the garden and followed the ripping noise and screeching of some Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos. They were high up in the trees , hard to get close enough for some good photos, so I will share what I got. As always, while the boy ripped off the bark, the girl sat very close to him encouraging him with loud screeches.
I wonder though, will he share the grubs with her? I have never seen that, I guess he eats all of then himself?
Very nice shots - I have yet to get a pic of one of these black cockatoos
I like that he has made his own little platform to stand on in pic #3 - like those wood choppers that go up the big pole to chop the top off in competitions.
Great photos! I love how all the colours blend so beautifully in the backround. I love his cheeky expression in photo three
Well done
The female may well have been calling in anticipation of the male sharing the grub bounty with her. I'd be very interested to learn of any observations of this occurring, Araminta.