Hey guys
Yes its Sunday but I am getting in early this week. I will be in Brisbane from Monday till Wednesday at a workshop and won't have the chance to get online to give you your next challenge (I will leave last week's open till I get back).
This week it is a challenge to provide photos of a bird and its food. The first person posts a photo of a bird, the next person has to post a photo of something it might eat. e.g. person 1 might post a kookaburra and then the next person would post a lizard. The third person might post a Noisy Miner and the fourth person might post a grevillea.
Everyone can post both birds and their food throughout the challenge but you can't post both the bird and its matching food pairing (and no photos of the bird with its food in once shot)...
Make sense?
I will do my best to log on again before Wednesday but not sure I will be able to.
This is going to be fun! Thanks for another great challenge Holly, I hope that your workshop goes well
What would an Australian Magpie eat?
Ok I think that Magpies probably eat lots of insects so I'm guessing a grasshopper might be yummy treat.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Here is someone who would definitely wolf that down among other things.... not sure Holly if we are meant to follow on from the last food or just post a totally new bird so maybe someone can find a different kind of food that might then lead to a totally different kind of bird than this Kookaburra
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I think Holly has said to post any bird but the food must be for the bird, the food does not have to relate to the next bird.
Shorty......Canon gear
Kooka's like snakes
Shorty......Canon gear
Kookaburra eat snakes, perhaps not as big as this beauty.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Just got beaten to the Kooka food so I'll take the easier road
There should be some interesting things this bird would eat.
Eagles love a skippy (or wallaby)
Shorty......Canon gear
This one should be relatively easy, Golden Whistler.
West Coast Tasmania
Caterpillars could be tasty for a
Golden Whistler.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Anyone have a mouse or grasshopper for this Kite?
Shorty......Canon gear
as he looks very hungry, rawshorty, I'll give him 6 ;-)
Central Victoria
A Dollarbird should be an interesting one
. Have seen them catching insects and moths.
It seems that Dollarbirds eat flying insects, so i guess they would like a Dragonfly.
Shorty......Canon gear
Has anyone got something for this little black Cormorant to eat???
Sunshine Coast Queensland
It's small, he'd find one in a rock pool but might need to catch a few to fill his belly though
(Mudskipper I think?)
West Coast Tasmania
Oh that little fishy would be a great catch for any bird including this Sacred Kingfisher, wonder what else it would like to eat
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
I reckon he would find this very tasty
Sunshine Coast Queensland
What would this little fellow eat for his dinner? Wonderful photos everyone!
Empid fly might be a easy catch .
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Is anyone else finding the food pictures just as interesting as the birdies ?
I sure am!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hey gang - I am back, exhausted, but back online - what a totally fabulous series of photos! I am so thrilled you are all posting some amazing shots
What would a Yellow-billed Spoonbill eat?
Water insects, crustaceans......but I do believe reading they are partial to a frog or two too
West Coast Tasmania
Yes birdie, I am totally with you there! Definitely loving seeing the non-birdy shots in this challenge too. Great contributions for both everyone!!
West Coast Tasmania
Someone to share Al's mice.....
Samford Valley Qld.
Samford Valley Qld.
An Owl might eat a bat mightn't he or she???
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I met someone over the Easter weekend who would love to ....
Samford Valley Qld.
he will have to make do with something else.... maybe some fish as the barnOwl has eaten the bat sorry
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I know where there is some fish.......
Samford Valley Qld.
Oops Reflex..... you are not supposed to post the bird and the food
Good effort though !!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
....let me help you out, Reflex :)
Central Victoria
What would this pretty boy eat ????
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Ooh yessss!!! I already have one loaded in Flickr .... he would love my Sunflowers
Sunshine Coast Queensland
A tough one, a real fussy eater (

Well I would love to say they only eat molluscs etc but the common scenario is that they just love these whenever they can get them ...such scavengers they have become ...
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Does anyone have a picture of lerps for my Spotted Pardalote? Sue
Well I did read that apart from lerps they are partial to small spiders so this one would fit the bill nicely
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Beautiful spider, well done
Thank you Sue818 ... it was very tiny...just the right size for a Pardy
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Yep that's cracking shot of that spider birdie ... perfect for Sue's wonderful shot of the pardalote. We are getting some great photos.
Nice work with the chips too for the ibis birdie!
Thanks WD .... I am waiting to post a new bird now... better wait for a while as I have posted heaps of foods I just noticed. I guess I just love to vary my photography. it is funny how these challenges are changing the way we look at our shots.... I tried to find one of a rubbish bin for the ibis, but I deliberately avoid them in my shots or crop them out ha ha . Took me ages to find a pic of some chips we ate one day!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Anyone got a snack for this NHH?
Banksia would be a good snack for your New Holland Honeyeater Timothy.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
If he was cheeky & fast, he could sneak onto the Tasmanian Native Laurel that belongs to a Crescent HE who visits my front yard, and have some delicious nectar.
West Coast Tasmania
Snap shoop! Haha, so sorry, I must have been posting at the same time! Never mind, we will have a big fat full NHH now
West Coast Tasmania
Anyone have a crab to fatten up this Grey-Tailed Tattler? Love the variety this challenge is producing. sue
Sorry it's me again..... I seem to have a lot of food for them don't I??? No matter wht you throw at us Sue818!!!!
Here is a smorgasbord for your Grey Tailed Tattler
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Wow I couldn't count them if I tried birdie , what type of crab are they do you know ?
I have never seen ones like that before , rather cute for a crab.
OK so we are up to another bird so I was wondering what would this pretty girl like to eat?
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.