Mt Glorious

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windshear's picture
Mt Glorious

So I took a day off work to go birdwatching on monday. Hadn't been up to Mt Glorious/Maiala in a while, so I thought I'd take a trip up there. Was kind of disappointed in the number of birds I found overall, but saw my first Satin Bowerbirds, even if they were some way off, so I was happy with that.

Araminta's picture

Oh, the Fantails are just beautiful .

Are the Bowerbirds common where you live? They will still be around the same area when you go back. I had no idea my friend from up the road has some on his property, his are not very shy. You have encouraged me to go for a walk up there later to find them.

Thanks for showing your photosyes


windshear's picture

At this particular place, I've seen bowers in the undergrowth in the past, but not spotted the Satin Bowerbirds before. I've also seen occasional Regent Bowerbirds at the same place. The other morning I could hear numerous birds calling / chattering before I actually spotted these ones feeding up in a tree off the track. 

Good luck with yours! smiley


Those fantail shots are just wonderful in that light. 

Amazing to see so many bower birds together, I have only seen occasional glimpses of solitary birds.

windshear's picture

WhistlingDuck wrote:

Those fantail shots are just wonderful in that light. 

Amazing to see so many bower birds together, I have only seen occasional glimpses of solitary birds.

I think there were two pairs of Bowerbirds, and there were a couple of Green Catbirds as well, they were having a bit of a friendly squabble over the food. smiley

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Gorgeous assortment of lovelies you captured windshear.  Loving the mix of browns in that Cuckoo-Dove - nature is clever making so many browns so pretty in many different things.  Also looks like it was a beautiful day weatherwise to boot?  (I was going to say glorious, but...laugh)

West Coast Tasmania

windshear's picture

AnnieJ wrote:

Gorgeous assortment of lovelies you captured windshear.  Loving the mix of browns in that Cuckoo-Dove - nature is clever making so many browns so pretty in many different things.  Also looks like it was a beautiful day weatherwise to boot?  (I was going to say glorious, but...laugh)

Yes, it certainly gives you an appreciation for the simple things which seem so simple or plain, until you look at the detail of them.

It was quite overcast in patches, but there was no rain, so it made for a very pleasant stroll. smiley

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