Small green parrot

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Wyverntales's picture
Small green parrot

Hi hoping if anyone can help me identify this pair of parrots, that I have been spotting a lot of lately. I live in Peterborough, South Australia. They are smaller than the golden ring necks that we have and make a different call. My 'ears' prick up everytime I hear them since the sound is less common to me than the other birds. Though I haven't managed to get very close yet... It looks like a female and male pair. Seem to have made their home near a school.

Beef's picture

Try Red Rumped Parrot?

Cheers Beef!

lorne.johnson@d...'s picture

Absolutely Red-rumped Parrots. One of our most common parrots. Lorne

Wyverntales's picture

Thanks guys. :) I'm going to be trying harder to get closer photos of these guys, and maybe even get the 'red rump'. Lol. Out of the 'green' parrots around here we see a lot of the mallee golden ring necks ( Barnadius barnadi ). So far I have only seen 2 pairs of these little parrots.

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