Tree Creeper?

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Rick N
Rick N's picture
Tree Creeper?

Am away at the moment and don't have my book, can someone help with this? Taken at Lake Gilles Conservation Park yesterday in Mallee.

Araminta's picture

Looks like a Varied Sittella, but I'm most likely proven wrong?crying


Cotton's picture

Varied Sitella indeed. Great shots, when I saw some a year or so ago they were too shy. Not wrong, Araminta!


Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks for that M-L & Curtis. Cheers

lorne.johnson@d...'s picture

Such striking plumage! VSs have plumage that's very variable. They like to forage along branches in a different manner to treecreepers; they almost seem to be horizontal on branches at times, rather than vertical. A month back, I had a party of 8 foraging all over an electricity pole near home - something I'd not seen in 25 yrs of birding! Lorne

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