Howdy everyone, another great challenge last week. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
This week I thought we might look at the seven deadly sins in the bird world (thank you to the member who suggested it).
Lets make it extra challenging - each day will be a different sin (but we put them all in the same thread).
So share your photos of birds in the categories of:
- Lust (mon)
- Gluttony (tues)
- Greed (wed)
- Sloth (thurs)
- Wrath (fri)
- Envy (sat)
- Pride (sun)
So today (until midnight tonight) is Lust
Guidelines are:
- Each day is a different 'sin' in the order they are listed above
- Each person can only post 1 photo that fits each day's theme.
- The same bird species cannot be used more than once for that sin. So Noisy Miner's can only be featured in 'Wrath' by one poster but they can be used the next day for 'Envy'.
- The day starts at midnight - so I ask that the first person to post in that day's theme reminds everyone of the theme for that day.
- Feel free to explain a story or background to the photo you are sharing if you like (or use your imagination and make up one!)
picture without words
These two have been lusting for each other for over a month now
Shorty......Canon gear
This interlude was only brief!
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Well I think my birds are still in the early stages of LUST , where she is wanting to give him her heart and he can't help but have that drooling lust look, promising her the world .
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Something a little more refined is in order
It's Tuesday so the theme is Gluttony.
This Gull was never going to get this lot down in one go.
Shorty......Canon gear
That certainly is more than a mouthful Shorty.
Sorry for the quality of this photo guys it was very far away and taken with my old point and shoot.
This Darter must have swallowed something awfully big by the expansion of his neck , not sure why his tail is fanned maybe to counteract buoyancy from his GLUTTONY catch.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
The effects of gluttony
Definitely not a take-away meal!
Snap crackle and POP!!! These Banksia cones were just irresistable to this guy/gal and I was not going to deter them all in anyway in their pursuit of gluttony
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Its Wednesday - which means the theme is Greed...
I think the difference between Greed and gluttony might have everyone stumped Holly
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Quite possibly!
Will be impressed if I have stumped everyone (though I think there is a lot of overlap with some of these that I think we can get away with)...
Well I think the Gannets were being very greedy trying to get this fish off eachother...there was only one winner in the end though. Apologies for the poor quality of this one ... it was hard to keep up and this was with my 1000D a few years ago
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Ok this is a hard one , so I'm going to think outside the box :
GREED- When one boyfriend isn't enough !!!
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
This greedy Pelican landed on the Spoonbills roost and kept pushing him further along.
"Give me some room will ya"
Shorty......Canon gear
That's a very, very high quality photograph birdie.
What equipment did you use to take this?
Samford Valley Qld.
Ha ha ...are you winding me up here Reflex?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Not at all but I was referring to #11.
Samford Valley Qld.
Thursday sin is SLOTH
"Sometimes it's too hard to get up in the morning , I think I might just SLOTH around today "
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
''Maybe we might just sloth around and be affectionate''!
It's Wrath is the theme.
This boy is trying to hold his own while receiving the Wrath from his girl.
Shorty......Canon gear
WRATH is what a mother shows protecting her baby.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
synonyms:anger, rage, fury, annoyance, indignation, outrage, pique, spleen, chagrin, vexation, exasperation, dudgeon, high dudgeon, hot temper, bad temper, bad mood, ill humour, irritation, irritability, crossness, displeasure, discontentment, disgruntlement, irascibility, cantankerousness, peevishness, querulousness, crabbiness, testiness, tetchiness, snappishness all of the above, just look at their faces, they mean warM-L
It's Saturday so time for ENVY.
This Lorikeet is green with envy over the coat of many cours of it's cousin the Rainbow Lorikeet.
ENVY: When some birds just seem to have it all.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
This young Blue faced honey Eater was very envious of us eating our breakfast at this cafe
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hey girl, you can be as envious as you like, this is my bath, and I don't want to share with you
Sunday is PRIDE.
Keeping up appearances and getting that grooming just right, in all areas .
Grey Fantail
West Coast Tasmania
PRIDE : When you can hold your head high and strut your stuff on the beach.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Magic photos everyone