Red rump parrots

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sparrow's picture
Red rump parrots

Typical I get the afternoon off and it finally desides to rain so im trying to sort out my unedited photos

Ha some hope, I don't post many parrot photos and thought I might start with these


Wow they stand out against that beautiful blue sky.

Great shots - I have regarded the females as just being a dull olive green, but your photo shows all the delicate variations in green and blue colours of the female. The male is spectacular.

Araminta's picture

Great photos Markyes  Those colours are stunning. I have noticed , there are colour variations even between the ones in one park and the next one close by. Also do the juveniles , who look similar to the females in colour, have a more uniform greyish/white plumage.

Good luck with the weather, it's been raining here all day, and is grey and dark. 


birdie's picture

They are just beautiful Sparrow!!!  That blue sky sets them off perfectly .... top stuff laugh

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Reflex's picture

I wonder why they are called Red Rumps?

Samford Valley Qld.

Araminta's picture

I hope Mark doesn't mind???? (I can always delete?) Here is why they are called "Red Rumps"


Reflex's picture

Makes sense now! Thanks Araminto. I have never seen one from that angle before.

Samford Valley Qld.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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