Nankeen Night-Heron

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sparrow's picture
Nankeen Night-Heron

My one and only photo of a Night - Heron taken last year, found it while trying to sort out some of my bird photos a lost cause but I'm finding photos I had forgotten I even had.


Nice shot sparrow 

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Nice photo,one of my favourite birds.

I hear where your coming from on the sorting photossmiley

birdie's picture

I would love to get a good shot of one like that .... and i too know where you are coming from with trying tio sort out old stuff. I was looking back and wondering why I even kept some of them frown

Sunshine Coast Queensland

pacman's picture

sparrow and RickN

the issue of sorting & storing pics has been raised previously,I have a pretty good system that I detailed in a post back in 2012 -

my issue is having the time to sort the pics but once they are sorted and filed  I can very quickly find a pic of any species

I hope that this helps in some way


sparrow's picture

I should elaborate why I'm sorting out photos ,unbeknown to me while I was at the footy my 2 yo grandson got to my lap top he may look innocent with his big brown eyes and cheeky grin but he's "15kilos of pure evil", as soon as I got home I sorted my footy photos and as I always do cleared my recycle bin as I pushed the key I thought hang on what are those folders but it was to late they where gone, and maggie picked that moment to say "oh yeah I caught Bradley playing with your computer today" I just sat staring at her for a while and then said a very bad word .

I had most of them backed up in another file but not all so I have been going through my back up hard drives where I keep all my origanal unedited files but I keep finding ones that I like that I was either to busy to do or didn't like at the time so this could take a while.

birdie's picture

Oh no sparrow .....  a 2yr old tornado going through your laptop .....  the worst kind of natural disaster!!! frown

I have been going through some old shots and had put all my bird ones onto an external drive that we had reformatted after using it for foxtel .... now it has decided to work intermittently ..... sometimes I can access the shots and other times it says...'Sorry you need to format this drive to use it ..."   Thanks goodness I only put bird shots on there!!  Like you though, I find folders full of the raw files that i didn't get to or couldnt decide about . Good luck with it all !

Sunshine Coast Queensland

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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