Australian Owlet- Nightjar

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sparrow's picture
Australian Owlet- Nightjar

This is a first for me untill today I had never even seen one, I think it could be a young bird it landed about 8m from me and let me get quite close about 4m it only flew off when I moved to try to get a better angle

timrp's picture

I really want to see one of those they are so cool! So close, great photo!

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Lovely shot. Detail around the head is magic.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Insanely madly jealous laugh  Wow Mark, just wow.  Look at the eyes on him/her, such an awesome bird.  Fantastic capture, and the detail is just brilliant.  What time of day did you happen upon this gorgeous creature?

West Coast Tasmania

windshear's picture

So cute, fluffy and adorable!

sparrow's picture

It was 2pm the light was awful and I was about to start back to the car then he/she landed in the only patch of sunlight thats why its a bit backlit I would normally hate that but in this case I think it helps show off his fuzzy head

rawshorty's picture

Excellent shot. I so want to see one of these.

Shorty......Canon gear


Araminta's picture

I have never seen eyes that beautiful. Stunningyes


Annie W
Annie W's picture

You're so right, the back/side lighting works well here, shows the birds long peach fuzz hairdo off beautifully.  How lucky were you that he chose then to land near you, as you were leaving!

West Coast Tasmania

shoop's picture

Oh my goodness , how lovely.  Those eyes are hypnotic aren't they ?!! How blessed you are to get such an opportunity to not only see this little one but to be able to take a photo of it as well. Outstanding photo just perfect !!!!!

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

birdie's picture

What a lovely shot ... i have never seen on either ....  how lucky you were that he decided to perch near you!!! Love the fuzzies !

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Great work - wonderful shot. Thanks so much for sharing it.

mitzy646's picture

Fantastic shot and you are so lucky to get one in the day so close!

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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