Happy Monday everyone. This week lets collaborate on matching males and females in the challenge. Whilst not true for all birds, there are many where the males and females are able to be distinguished. In any of the fairy-wrens it is as plain as day, for others, like Galahs, it is more subtle (coming down to the eye ring).
The challenge will work by having one person post one of the sexes (where there is a visible difference), then the next poster has to post the other sex. Specific instructions are below:
- Only post species where there is a visible difference in the sexes - and that difference should be evident in the photos.
- A poster cannot post both the male and the female (and if you have them both in one shot, try to crop one out if possible). So you cannot post the challenge and then post the response.
- Poster 1 posts the first sex, poster 2 posts the opposite sex (so the male or the female). Poster 2 then gets to post a new species (if they have another to contribute) - if they don't have another and state that, or more than 12 hours passes, then someone else can post BUT poster 1 must wait a turn (so cannot post the response to poster 2). Does that make sense? So if you lead off one set (male and female), you sit out the next set...
- Each species can only be posted once.
Hope that is clear - please let me know if it isn't. If you are unsure, ask.
Australian Shelduck, drake, Kings Garden , Perth, WA
Samford Valley Qld.
Australian Shelduck (sheila)
And for the next set, Female Scarlet Robin.
West Coast Tasmania
Male Scarlet Robin
And the next set, Male Australasian Darter
Shorty......Canon gear
Darter, female, Bald Hills, Qld
and a male Gang-Gang Cockatoo, Canberra Gardens
Female Gang Gang
Female Chestnut Teal

Howdy chrismburns!
The object of this challenge is to follow up with the opposite sex (of the same species) from the photo above. So in this case we need a photo of a male chesnut teal. If you have one - post it and you can then follow up with a figbird (and someone else can post the opposite sex).
Got ya Holly. Did that. Thanks
Chestnut Teal (m)
Zebra Finch (m)
Oops. Wrong way around!!!
So, are we up to Figbrids or Zebra Finches?
Oh looks like it is Figbirds (judging by the time stamps) - I didn't see that chris had edited their post.
Yes, sorry. Am new to BIB so got it a bit mixed up. After Holy's comment, I edited my post. Realise now I should have deleted original and added a new one below Holly's post. Cheers
sorry, I initially posted Zebra Finch
Australasian Figbird (F) Scarborough, Qld
Olive-backed Sunbird (M) Cape Hillsborough, Qld
another member suggested that the Olive-backed Sunbird hen may be difficult so I will substitute a Black-necked Stork male for my pic above to keep the game going
Black Necked Stork, f. - Fitzroy Crossing
Female zebra finch
Male splendid fairy wren
Splendid Fairywren, F, Pulletop Nature Reserve, NSW
Satin Bowerbird, M, Mt Tomah Gardens, NSW
Female Satin Bowerbird
Male Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
Hunter Valley NSW
Female Yellow Tailed Black cockatoo and male Koel
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Eastern Koel, F, Erin, NSW - I tried for the same type of palm tree
Red-backed Fairywren, M, Mackay, Qld
female Red-backed fairywren
Male red capped robin
Female Red capped Robin
Male Australasian Shoveler
Shorty......Canon gear
I had to laugh Pacman that the greedy Koels were on the same kind of Palms.... i have moved house and lost that attraction now.... not that I am sad to lose the palm trees and their mess but they were great for attracting certain birds!
Shorty that Shoveller is so pretty I have never seen one close up but love the colours on your shot
Sunshine Coast Queensland
@ Headsie... Love the male Red-capped Robin.
Nice clean shot.
Hunter Valley NSW
Australasian Shoveler, F, Canberra, ACT
Australian Pied Cormorant, M, Scarborough, Qld