what lark ?

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TTT's picture
what lark ?

was at Long Reef NSW hoping to see whales (no luck) but came across this ...

moving on the ground,

first it looked like a sparrow but then it may be more exotic like a lark

which type ?


lorne.johnson@dow.catholic.edu.au's picture

Richard's/Australiasian Pipit. Not that exotic, but still cool. LJ

BabyBirdwatcher's picture

Yes, definately Australian pipit. They are very confident at Long Reef these days. Did you see any Nankeen Kestrels at Long Reef?

TTT's picture

thanks lorne and babybirdwatcher

it was moving (hop or walk ??) right next to a crowd of people, definitely confident

no nankeen kestrel, it was late towards sunset

usually you can see them about 80% of the time

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