I think Emu would be a good one. We could use the missing 4th letter like a joker
Ooh I like it!
Eastern Curlew is up now so lets stick with it, but if Emu (or anyother 3 lettered bird - is there any?) makes an appearance, then the next person has the option to post whichever bird they like.
Holly. What if i post up a bird where the 4th letter there are no birds starting with it?
We haven't managed to have that issue yet (and I don't know that we will) but if we do we will open it up again to a new bird. Will let a good day or so go to see if anyone comes up with anything and then I will give the green light to open it up to other birds.
Holly. What if i post up a bird where the 4th letter there are no birds starting with it?
We haven't managed to have that issue yet (and I don't know that we will) but if we do we will open it up again to a new bird. Will let a good day or so go to see if anyone comes up with anything and then I will give the green light to open it up to other birds.
Ok, has anyone got a bird starting with Q ?.If so i will post mine, i don't want to post and slow the game for everyone.
Thanks Reflex. Something most will not see, there have been 2 others from the family posted, one I never expected to see here, thanks Peter, and one reasonably common for me. Guess you might have to wait and see if I get my B.
tawNy frogmouth
Shorty......Canon gear
Yay! Page three!
NoiSy Miner:
Keeping the international flavor going.
South Afrcan bee-eater.
SpoTted Dove. Headsie you got in first !!!!!!
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
TreE Martin
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Emu - oops only 3 letters
Eastern Curlew - that's better
Thats a bit sneaky pacman! Lets get another E bird instead - anyone got an Emerald Dove?
Holly - you were too quick off the mark, I was searching for that other E bird
Its unlike me to be that quick! Right place right time. Well done on the Eastern Curlew.
Its unlike me to be that quick! Right place right time. Well done on the Eastern Curlew.
I think Emu would be a good one. We could use the missing 4th letter like a joker
Shorty......Canon gear
Ooh I like it!
Eastern Curlew is up now so lets stick with it, but if Emu (or anyother 3 lettered bird - is there any?) makes an appearance, then the next person has the option to post whichever bird they like.
Holly. What if i post up a bird where the 4th letter there are no birds starting with it?
Shorty......Canon gear
We haven't managed to have that issue yet (and I don't know that we will) but if we do we will open it up again to a new bird. Will let a good day or so go to see if anyone comes up with anything and then I will give the green light to open it up to other birds.
Ok, has anyone got a bird starting with Q ?.If so i will post mine, i don't want to post and slow the game for everyone.
Shorty......Canon gear
I have a poor Quail pic and can't ID as Brown or Stubble or King - could I use that?
But seriously - are there any Q birds?
Not that i can find. But if you ask a layman a ducks common name is Quacker
Shorty......Canon gear
Are we stuck at T? If not, I'll delete my TreE Martin. Perhaps E is easier than Q. Sue
No, keep your post. I just wanted to get a clear view on my next post
Shorty......Canon gear
Emu ( the joker has been played )
Shorty......Canon gear
Does this mean I can post anything?
Shy Albatross, guess that make it A
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
What a beautiful Joker and a shy follower! Sue
Australian Wood Ducks
T again! TorResian White-Breasted Woodswallow
Red-capped Plover
West Coast Tasmania
Nice little Plover shot.
Red Backed Fairy Wren
Blue-crowned Lorikeet
EurAsian Coot.
Samford Valley Qld.
AusTralian Grebe
TawNy Frogmouth
NanKeen... just kidding.
NoiSy Pitta
ScaRlet Honeyeater.
Samford Valley Qld.
RufOus Whistler:
RaiNbow lorikeet. Another N..Sorry!
Samford Valley Qld.
noiSy pitta
Shorty......Canon gear
Superb Fairy-wren
West Coast Tasmania
EasTern Yellow-billed Hornbill
TorResian Imperial-Pigeon
Red Backed fairy wrens

Sunshine Coast Queensland
broWn falcon
Shorty......Canon gear
White-breasted whistler.
TasManian Native Hen, sorry M again, better than K, I really want a B, missed the last chance.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Samford Valley Qld.
MetAllic Starling
Thanks Reflex. Something most will not see, there have been 2 others from the family posted, one I never expected to see here, thanks Peter, and one reasonably common for me. Guess you might have to wait and see if I get my B.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
AusTralian Hobby
Sunshine Coast Queensland
dwatsonbb, You will have to be quick as i am waiting for a b as well.
The race for a B is on!
Samford Valley Qld.
tawNy frogmouth
Shorty......Canon gear