Had two days in the Gawler Ranges last week. Weather was not so good but plenty of lovely birds to see. Here is a small selection.
Pallid Cuckoo immature?
Rufous Treecreeper
Chestnut Rumped Thornbill?
Pallid Cuckoo
Gilberts Whistler
Splendid Fairy Wren
Splendid Fairy Wren?
Not sure of this one
Looks like you had a good day out despite the weather. Is the Chestnut Rumped Thornbill in #3 collecting nesting material?
I can't help with the identification but from my experience on here it won't be long before someone comes along. Great set of photo's.
Samford Valley Qld.
Thanks Reflex,
Yes, the Thornbill was back and forward collecting.
I had a few more shots with nesting material but out of focus as they are soooo fast.
Smashing collection Rick, outstanding. That second Wren shot with wings outstretched is just visually stunning. That last little lady is a Robin of some description, possibly a female Scarlet.
West Coast Tasmania
You know, could even be a young Female Rose Robin, possibly, you'd be in range for them I'd think.
West Coast Tasmania
Great collection of fantastic photos Rick. Love that pallid cuckoo taking off.
I am really surprised by that stunning Rufous Treecreeper - i had not even heard of that species before, and thought all the treecreepers were somewhat plain in appearance.
A few more from the trip. For two days there were so many different birds, hope to get back soon.
Restless Flycatcher
Fan Tailed Cuckoo
Yellow Throated Miner
Australian Ringneck
Great stuff Rick! Looks like it was an amazing spot for birding! Beautiful assortment for sure!
West Coast Tasmania
WOW outstanding as always Rick. You seem to get all the birds. Just love your Restless Flycatcher, looks like you caught him in song. The first time I heard a Restless Flycatcher I was blown away . Is there any particular bird you would love to photograph and havent yet ?
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
I'm really looking forward to an honest answer here Rick?
Samford Valley Qld.
At the moment? Bourkes Parrot. They are a lovely looking bird.