What a stellar effort last week everyone. Thank you so much to all who took part and shared their brilliant photos. I was inspired this week from the exotic birds that popped up in last week's challenge. So I thought this week it would be great to go 'Around the World'. Lets see birds from as many countries/places as we can. I don't want to forget Australia though so lets see if we can get a shot from each state/territory in Australia as well and seabirds make it a bit tricky for.
- Overseas: share a photo of a bird and state both the bird's name and the country that the photo was taken in. We can only have 4 different species from each country. I will review this if we are getting stuck
- Australia: share a photo of a bird from a state or territory - include the state/territory that the photo was taken in. We can only have 4 different species from each state/territory. I will review this if we are getting stuck
- Seabirds: share a photo of a bird from a certain sea or ocean (pelagic species). We can only have 4 different species from each sea/ocean. I will review this if we are getting stuck
- Each person has to wait for 3 other people to post before sharing again
- The same category cannot be posted twice in a row (e.g. 2 overseas birds posted one after the other).
Hope this makes sense, I am worried it is a bit confusing but we will see how we go.
First cab off the rank- a shot of an overseas bird species
please note the new edited guidelines (in bold)
Malachite Kingfisher from the Olavango Delta, Botswana
So Australia next?
Australian Laughing Kookabarra. QLD, Australia
I can't wait to see everyones photos!
Ok so it is a Seabird next ?
I have a Black Nape Tern , Melaka Waters ( flying beside the cruise ship we were on )
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Not sure if we were suppose to post one from each category in turn or 4 from one category in turn
. !!! ???
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
One from each category shoop - so next is overseas... (and not from Botswana)
Spotted Cormorant from the Coromandel in NZ. Australia next Sue
Great bower bird Kununurra Western Australia
See it! Hear it!
Mid-North Coast NSW
I think we are up to sea bird.
So Pelican from the Clarence River
Hey gang - sorry it was one of those days and I have been off site and offline since about 2 (only just home)
I didn't make it entirely clear with 'seabird' - I actually meant pelagic birds - something you would see from a boat. Does that make sense? No one has to change anything previously but maybe we stick with pelagics from this point forward? Sorry - it was my fault for not being clear. Its a tough challenge this one!
On a positive though (and small brag) - part of my off site/offline activites involved seeing not 1, not 2, but 3 Powerful owls this afternoon
White Chinned Petrel, Great Southern Ocean, and just for Holly, you can just see the motor of the BOAT, bottom left. Not a great pic, but conditions were trying.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Australian Darter drying its wings on Swan river. Western Australia
Hi all - I was a bit muddled about the difference between sea vs shore birds etc
and came across this little reference chart showing the difference between sea/shore/waders & thought it might be useful.
I think we are up to Overseas, sorry I have nothing to help there
West Coast Tasmania
That link is awesome Annie - captures it beautifully.
I am going to simplify the rules a little. Apologies all, I got a bit carried away
There are still the 3 categories: Overseas, Australia, Seabirds... However rather than posting in a particular order the rule now is:
For example - Australian bird 1 then seabird 1, then Australian bird 2, then overseas bird 1. Make sense?
I will edit the original guidelines now too.
I will go again then with an overseas bird.
Secretary Bird from South Africa
Next post Australian or Seabird (pelagic)
No way, a Secretary Bird! My young ones favourite o/s bird (for this week) - we only just watched a doc earlier this week with a short piece about these guys in them. Aren't they amazing - unrelentless when they have a snake to stomp to death for dinner. Fantastic shot Mark.
So, Australian Bird, Dusky Robin, Tasmania. Next up, Seabird or Overseas.
West Coast Tasmania
Here's a Kea from the Kepler Track at Hanging Valley Shelter in New Zealand. Sorry about the quality; it's not from my DSLR.
Artic Tern, Prince William Sound Alaska.
Overseas bird- Thick-billed Green Pigeon - Bali Indonesia.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Thanks AnnieJ, I was very excited to see the secretary bird, and so close. Nice shot of the Dusky Robin sitting on an invisible perch
Australian Bird
Spotetd Harrier.
Sandhill crane, Jackson, Wyoming USA
White-faced Storm-petrel - pelagic birds come in all sizes
Spotted Quail-Thrush, Braidwood, N.S.W.
Shorty......Canon gear
White-fronted Tern from the Coromandel, NZ
Seabirds- Galapagos Penguins - Galapagos.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Red-footed Booby, Christmas Is, Aust - ('you call that a wing - this is a wing')
Thanks Mark, channelling magician Criss Angel perhaps
Australian bird - Australasian Pipit
West Coast Tasmania
That Secretary Bird is fantastic!
Blue-eared Kingfisher - Sukau, Malaysia (at least I think it is a Blue-eared Kingfisher - happy to be corrected if someone knows better!)
PilotBird, A.C.T, Australia
Shorty......Canon gear
How awesome, Holly. I would love to see just one.
Shorty......Canon gear
Elliots Storm Petrel from Galapagos Islands
And a bonus shot of same birds with a UFO (or UFD).
Lilac breasted-roller, South Africa.
I must say I'm a tad jealous there at your Petrel mpb , I took some photos of them too while at Galapagos but nothing like the one you have shared. Outstanding !!!!!!
Overseas bird -Rufous collared Sparrow- Machu Picchu, Peru.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Oh Headsie we posted at the same time (
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
And both were beautiful Shoop ..... but I have to say Headsie you have my attention with that Roller .... that is stunningly beautiful and such a well taken shot!!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Australian Bird. A Barking Owl that looks a bit like a Whistling Kite
Samford Valley Qld.
overseas bird - Flat-billed Kingfisher (Samoa)
Australian birds
Gee Reflex just saw you posted a Kite , you had me fooled I thought it was an Owl .
Well back to Seabirds and seeing pacman posted the Red-footed Booby I thought I would post the Blue-footed Booby, Galapagos.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Loving all the shots so much this week, what a fabulously talented pack of birders! That Booby is just gorgeous Kerry, just beautiful. Lol, I think reflex is tricking/testing us, that's actually a Barking Owl - beautiful bird.
West Coast Tasmania
Annie, I reckon Reflex has it correct, I don't think the eyes look right for a Barking Owl, but then again I am no expert!
Sam (my son) rescued a Swamp Harrier, and the first photos he sent to me, I thought it was an owl. Some of the raptors do have very forward facing eyes.
Edit Sorry Annie, seems you are right, Canoguy has correctly identified, if anyone knows he does!!!
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Reflex, your bird is not a Whistling Kite, but an adult Barking Owl. You must have mistakenly uploaded the wrong photo.
Pelagic bird - Cape Petrel, off Port Stephens, NSW, Oct '12
Kori, Bustard, Kenya.
Australian Bird Nothing like a Whistling Kite or a Barking Owl. A Willie Wagtail.
Samford Valley Qld.
Ok this is the last one from Galapagos seeing this is the 4th species posted from there.
Seabird -Frigatebird. Galapagos .
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Overseas bird - Hooded Merganser, Chicago, USA - guess the male bird
Another Australian bird...Grey Fantail.
Samford Valley Qld.
Australasian Gannet as a seabird
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Great Cormorant, Batemans Bay, N.S.W.
Shorty......Canon gear