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Rick N
Rick N's picture
Confirmation Please

Rufous Treecreeper I think. Taken today Eyre Peninsula SA. Thanks

timrp's picture

Yep that's right.

lorne.johnson@d...'s picture

Cool. Subtly beautiful things. Yet to see one. LJ

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks Lorne, Timothy. Still feeling my way with identification.

pacman's picture

useless aside - my 1st sightng was in WA and the bird was on the ground and stayed on the ground for some time (with me following discreetng behind as I couldn't ID it), had me scratching my head for a while until it jumped onto a tree and acted like a treecreeper and I saw thise feet, the phone app was then helpful


lorne.johnson@d...'s picture

Not useless at all, Peter. Interesting. I've seen both Red-browed and BrownTreecreepers feed on the ground; indeed the former was inside a fallen log. I recently watched a White-throated Treecreper scalling a wall in a railway underpass! I love seeing common birds doing enexpected things. LJ

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Peter, Saw that behaviour on the weekend, Rufous feeding on the ground in and around low shrubs.

Threw me a bit at first as well.


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