Hi gang
Well done again on a challenging challenge last week! Apologies again for the confusion. Lets see if I can make this week's a bit clearer. This is another one that we have done before but I think it went well last time.
- The aim is for one person to post a photo of a bird, the next person has to post a photo of something that it eats.
- e.g. Person 1 might post a photo of a Brown Honeyeater, person 2 posts a photo of a Bottlebrush in flower; Person 3 might post a photo of a Powerful Owl, person 4 could post a photo of a Rainbow Lorikeet (I have seen a pair of lorikeet feet in a Powerful Owl pellet!).
- The previous food item does not need to be related to the next bird photo posted.
- Everyone can post both birds and food in the challenge but if you post a photo of a bird you cannot post a photo of the food for that bird (ie the matching item). If you post the matching food item, you cannot post the next bird (ie. you have to wait a turn).
Everyone OK - I can clarify if needed
Palm Cockatoo from Cape York.
Samford Valley Qld.
Pandanus spiralis, Cooktown Caravan park
Shorty......Canon gear
Rainbow Bee-eaters
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
So, this is an insect the bee-eaters would eat. (hope I got it right?)
I don't think anyone would like to see a pic of Carrion, so here is something he will have to wait for it to become suitable for him.
Shorty......Canon gear
Laughing Kookaburra
Given half a chance and the Plover wasn't near, the Kooka would eat those

Black Shouldered Kite.
Samford Valley Qld.
Maybe a juicy grasshopper would be nice !
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Not a great shot but the only one I managed to take of a Star Finch. Sue
This is what Finches eat in my garden. I have all sorts of native grasses.
Anyone with some Brolga food for this fellow?
double post!
I don't have any tubers for this handsome boy, but I have heard Brolgas do like the occassional lizard or two as well, so he might like to snack on this little Mountain Dragon, or one of his cousins anyway.
West Coast Tasmania
White- faced Heron
I think I know where that photograph was taken Elsie
. I have one or two that are very similar.
Samford Valley Qld.
Yes Reflex, i'm not sure why the photo turned our so grainy?
Did you take any photos of the crabs they where hunting?
I'm sure he would liked this crab.
Great photos so far! Annie J, I love that Mountain Dragon.
A hungry New Holland Honeyeater:
A cranky Magpie!
Samford Valley Qld.
Shorty......Canon gear
this guy might like some nice big seeds.
I think this Corella would enjoy a few seeds from this Sunflowers
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I always find the Bassian Thrush on the poo pile in my garden, where they find lots of......?
If he's fast, he might like this Golden Blowfly, or the wiggly offspring of it.
West Coast Tasmania
I had to google, " what do Emus eat?"
"Emus eat a simple diet of fruits, seeds, growing shoots of plants and insects. They swallow small stones (called gastroliths or gizzard stones) which stay in the gizzard and help grind up food. They require a large amount of water, drinking 9-18 litres daily."
Samford Valley Qld.
They also eat grubs. I'm sure he would love this one.
Shorty......Canon gear
I am sure he would enjoy this teany tiny ant
Shorty......Canon gear
How about a mouse for my Boobook?
The mice seem to be hiding, so a big juicy moth for an appetiser instead. No idea what the moth is, have tried to ID it without any luck, so if anyone else knows, I would love to know too.....
West Coast Tasmania
Australian Bush Duck.
Samford Valley Qld.
Plenty of grass for your Maned Duck............but she better tread carefully
Shorty......Canon gear
Crikey Mate!
Crocs scare the bejinkers out of me!
This Eastern Spinebill is looking for another feed!
West Coast Tasmania
Well i guess you would not like to be in the little Tinny i was in taking the shots then
They even showed up on the fish finder when they swam under the boat
Shorty......Canon gear
Maybe your Spinebill could find some nectar in the flowers on Lizzy's hat
(that would make a great shot
Shorty......Canon gear
Possibly, if it were a tanker sized tinny
. No wait, don't have a drybag for my gear, so....
That shot of Her Majesty, priceless! I would be laughing far too hard to get a shot off should a bird land there, hahaha.
West Coast Tasmania
What does a Lyrebird eat? This one lives on my friend's property just up the road from me.
Lyrebirds feed mainly on the ground and eat ground-dwelling insects, spiders, worms, occasionally seeds, small invertebrates, crustaceans, myriapods and snails that they find by scratching among the leaf litter. But I don't have any of them so here's a photo of a huge paralysis tick I pulled out of one of my dogs last summer. I hope it eats these.
Samford Valley Qld.
Nice one Reflex
They say that we don't get them down here, but a few years ago one of our horses and a dog had one.
Anyone got a feed for this Grey Goshawk?
Shorty......Canon gear
brilliant photo shorty.
With that intense look, I think this Ringtail Possum might need to watch out!
West Coast Tasmania
Thanks, i was lucky to get him. He flew right past me and landed in front of me. As soon as i lifted my camera he turned and looked at me and i got one shot before he took off. Also lucky that my camera was set for a dark area ( 1/250, ISO3200 )
Shorty......Canon gear
Anyone got some tucker for this cute little Cygnet?
Shorty......Canon gear
What a gorgeous shot of that little cutie.... before this closes I will have to feed him ..... soe nice vegetarian weedy stuff around this lily pad he might like Shorty
Sunshine Coast Queensland