Brown Thornbill?

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timrp's picture
Brown Thornbill?

I think its a Brown Thornbill. Sorry for the horrible picture. Its at Barren Grounds.

lorne.johnson@d...'s picture

I guess so. Hard to tell. LJ

BabyBirdwatcher's picture

Hey Tim,

Great to see that you got yourself down to Barren Grounds. Did you see any Ground Parrots, Bristlebirds, beautiful FIretails or pilotbirds? From he looks of it this is a brown thornbill

timrp's picture

BBW I actually didn't go there recently. This was from pretty long ago when I couldn't id much birds at all and unfortunately we went there in the middle of the day so I didn't see much at all. I am planning to go again(early morning) somtime soon to try to see the specialtys.

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