Great challenge last week everyone, I actually thought about keeping it going - there were some great matchings going on.
Anyway, this week I thought we would go back to individual photos (rather than group contributions). The theme is 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. So please share your photos of birds that are maybe 1. not the most traditionally 'beautiful' birds (think ibis, friarbirds maybe) or 2. you simply caught at a bad time.... I will leave it up to you all to fit the theme.
Please post one shot at a time (ie not 3 of the same bird together)/ You can post multiple times but allow 2 photographs by others in between your turns.
I'm sure someone out there can see beauty in this baby Purple Swamphen?
And thanks Birdie for feeding my Cygnet, it would have been a shame to see it go hungry after the thread was locked
Shorty......Canon gear
Well, I think this little Baby Eurasian Coot is just gorgeous.

Masked Lapwings aren't your typical beauty - and this juvenile one is not doing itself any favours by picking it's beak in public either
- but they are fabulously protective parents.
West Coast Tasmania
Only a mother could love this Sulphur-crested Cockatoo which has become tame now and lives entirely off handouts from campers and staff at Bramwell Station in CapeYork.
Samford Valley Qld.
Poor Noisy friarbird is much maligned .... and you can see why ha ha
Sunshine Coast Queensland
A rather shabby looking square tailed kite
I actually find the eyes on some Ibis have an almost human quality but you wouldn't call them a good looking bird.
Especially not this fella.
Samford Valley Qld.
Greed is not a good look
Shorty......Canon gear
The half open mouth and half shut eye doesn't do much for this Frogmouth. I can almost hear him snore, I almost expect some dribble drop out of the corner of his mouth. Looks a lot like an old man
Must have caught him at a bad moment

That reminds me, I must trim my eyebrows! Have you noticed they always choose a spot which gets the afternoon sun.
Samford Valley Qld.
Not the most attractive at the best of times, but combined with their table manners...
Wow Mark, there must be 40+ birds in that group hug pile-up (yes, I realise they're feeding
). And I bet more on the fringes closing in?
One I have posted before (sorry) ..... Tasmanian Native Hen, although quite an attractive bird imo, caught this one with a rather unflattering lump of drool swinging from his beak.
West Coast Tasmania
This male Superb Fairy-wren doesn't look too good, being only half dressed for the ladies.
Shorty......Canon gear
I intruded on this Variegated Fairy-wren when I'm sure he was looking for some privacy.
As far as feet go, I wouldn't call the feet of a Eurasian Coot beautiful?
Another Ibis....
Samford Valley Qld.
Seeing nobody has posted a photo for more than a day, as always I'm going to stick my neck out (no doubt ,someone will tell me that I'm braking the rules yet again?)
Anyway, this Southern Boobook has put on his "grumpy leave me alone" face. Not exactly a beauty.