Eastern Spinebill

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Araminta's picture
Eastern Spinebill

This Eastern Spinebill was feasting on one of my tiny potted Gevilleas that so far has only about 10 flowers. It doesn't take the birds long to discover new plants, The Rosellas are a bit of a problem, they have nipped off a few flowers. But I guess that'll make the plant grow fasterwink

Willskrills's picture

Good shot Araminta, i always used to see them at our old house.


windshear's picture

Such a pretty, yet intense little bird. smiley

Lovely picture!

Devster's picture

Beautiful photo Araminta.

In one of your potted Grevilleas you say, may have to pot one myself if it attracts those types of birds. Ive never seen one in person.


Beautifully done ! (as always)

Elsie's picture

Beautiful photo! The colours of the bird in the soft light make it look like a paintingheart

Great job! I always struggle to capture the little birds sitting stillsmiley

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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