Just a few more to tantalise you as we move on to Bourke tomorrow and internet could be flakey again. White-gaped HE in Theodore; Dusky HE in Cape Hillsborough; Rainbow Bee-eater in Cloncurry; juvenile Little Bronze-cuckoo on Townsville Common (along with a male L B-C and a Brush Cuckoo); Spotted Bowerbird in Cloncurry; Varied Lorrikeet in Cloncurry.
Cannot believe how lucky we are to have so many beautiful birds and I am to have found some. Of course, a patient husband does also assist in my endeavours. I think the Lorrikeet might be my favourite closely followed by the Bee-eater and Bronze-cuckoo.Sue
Very vibrant photos. I just love the colours in the Lorrikeet, the Bee -Eater and the flowers. You are very blessed to have seen so many birds on your trip and we are very blessed that you shared them with us. Thank you so much. Look forward to many more.
Those flowers are quite spectacular, too, sue. Do you know their names & if any or all are native?
Great set of photos Sue, looks like your having a wonderful time. Especially like the Little bronze-cuckoo and Rainbow bee-eater
amazing. half of those i haven't even seen.
Wow, stunning photos
The coulours of the Rainbow Bee-eater are brilliant. Love all of them
Thanks for the feedback everyone, I thought seeing such a variety might be of interest. Sorry Woko but I am not much good with flowers. The first is a vine so maybe a honeysuckle, then a Silk tree but not sure if the third is a native or an African tree (forgotten the name) or even a Coral tree. The lorrikeet is of course in a lovely flowering gum. Now in Bourke (Kidman Camp) and watched a pair of Cockatiels come from their nest in a hollow this morning as a Mallee Ringneck flew off. Pictures pretty awful as it was quite early. I am trying for White-plumed HE on a lovely lavender eremophila (a plant I know!). The Variegated fairy-wrens are everywhere but I am told there are White-winged ones across the road. Fingers crossed for some decent pictures. Sue