A pair of Welcome Swallows has been flying in , out and around last years nest under my car port. I hope they will stay. Last year they used two nests at the same time, first outside the shed and the one near the house. Wonder what they might do this year?
Here is one of them under the roof.
No swallows this year for me, and the Fairy Martins seem to have found somewhere else to nest this year as well. (hear small flocks of them buzzing overhead now and then, but no sign of nests) Slightly less messy though.
Don't give up yet windshear, they might still come
Well, there was only 1 little nest on my house, but they sort of wore out their welcome with the neighbours... There were about 20 nests on their house, and each raised at least two lots of kids. With attendant poopage and mess.
Well put.
They can be very determined once they start to build a nest.
Samford Valley Qld.
Fairy Martins might be different ? In my area Welcome Swallows are not seen that often, so I tip toe around, park further away and all that kind of thing. I want then to stay
Might have gotten a little off base there, soz M-L.
I would welcome a small family of polite Welcome Swallows any day of the week. :)
Samford Valley Qld.