Morning all
Well done last week! There were some great mystery birds.
This week I am taking up the suggestion in last week's challenge but shortening it a little - thanks Lachlan! Its 10 questions!
The first poster gets to pick a bird - each subsequent poster can ask a yes/no questions to narrow it down. A total of 10 questions can be asked. When the correct answer is guessed, the original poster posts a photo and then the person who guessed correctly gets to pick the next bird.
- The questions asked have to be in a yes/no format
- If you ask a question, you have to wait for another person to ask a question before you can ask again
- Label the question number you are up to when you ask a question (so we can keep track to 10 (e.g. 1. Are you a terrestrial bird? 2. do males and females look different? 3. Are you a raptor?)
Please be patient! Give the original poster time to come back and answer each time.
OK whoever gets in first - think of a bird (that you have a photo of) to kick us off.
Well, I have a bird in my head and a few photos to go. Start asking questions, see how you and I will go? That means that I might have to know a fair bit about this bird and be able to answer your questions. Please be nice to me
Is it a blue wren?
Sorry Tim, no
You think that, because you know they are my vavourite birds.
So that was question 1. Holly wants us to put the numbers of the question up. I also think she wants us to ask more questions related to , where the bird know, that kind of thing.
#2 Are you a Parrot?
Dammit! I wasted a question and I was just stirring...
Sorry Elsie, it's not.
I might put a question to you, just to give an idea to what I think the questions should be like. (that's how I understand the challenge?)
So as a question you would ask:
3. Is the bird black or white?
To that I can answer: Neither, the bird is black&white.
next question, No 4
Sorry, I'm wrong there, can't answer that with yes or no
So that would be difficult then, because my bird is black&white.
Is it endemic to australia?
Australian Magpie?
Answer to question 5: No
Ask question 6
(this seams to be more difficult than Holly thought.I can think of many questions, like , does it have a long beak, or long legs,what colour are the legs....that kind of thing)
I think this challenge may be too longwinded really.....
So .... # 6 ?? but do you eat nectar?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
OK looks like this might be too challenging - I am going to close this one off and start a second version - this one is 10 questions but it will be around getting the poster to describe the bird instead...