OK gang
The original version of this was going to be too long - its too hard to guess with yes/no questions in 10 guesses, and 20 would just take forever! Sorry!
- The first poster still picks a bird they have a photo of. They can give two clues of their choosing (e.g. it is a seabird, it lives in NSW, VIC and TAS, it has a yellow beak).
- Posters have to guess the bird by asking the first poster a question about it (e.g. what colour is its beak, what states can it be found in, what does it eat). Descriptive questions around colour etc will probably reveal the answer quicker.
- Each poster has to wait a turn between questions. Please number them - if we dont get it in 10 questions, the original poster can reveal their mystery bird.
How does that sound? Easier?
ML do you want to start again with your mystery bird?
Thanks Holly, I'm taking a breather and let someone else have a go first.
My bird is found in every Australian state; it has white eyebrow. Could be easy to identify if asked the right questions Sue
Does it have dots on its forehead?
So I can ask what colour it is?
Answer to Q1 is NO dots on forehead. Colour question can be posed but only as a Yes or No answer.
3. Is it Grey?
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
NO not Grey which has become Q2 now for Q3.
Is it a grumpy looking bird
Shorty......Canon gear
I think that NO is the answer to Q3 as it does not look grumpy to me... more bright-eyed.
Q4- Is it brown?
YES in upperparts unless you mean the eye itself which is very dark, black really (my fault for hurrying). To get it moving a bit, I will suggest that the 'White Eyebrow' may be misleading people as it is very long and perhaps could be better named. Consider the clue in Q3 as well .
Q5 Is the bird smaller than 15cm?
Shorty......Canon gear
NO just a bit bigger
Is it a Magpie Lark?
No to Q6 but it does use those colours as well. Sue
Q7 Does the bird have Yellow on it?
Shorty......Canon gear
8.New Holland Honeyeater?
NO to Q 7 and NO to Q 8 no yellow and not any sort of Honeyeater.
To summarise: this bird is found Australia wide; has a long long white 'eyebrow' or band; is coloured brown, black & white but not yellow; has a dark eye but is 'bright' eyed; has no dots on forehead; is not grey or grumpy looking; is over 15cm but not by very much.
One extra clue to move it along... there is a colour in the name
Q9 :Is it a waterbird?
YES to Q9 found around freshwater lakes, swamps and dams all over Australia.
Q10: is it a Pacific Black Duck?
NO to Q10. It is a Black-fronted Dotterel.
This is quite difficult from my end and yours as the white eyebrow/band was perhaps misleading. I hoped that someone would ask about an eye-ring from the bright eye clue. Should the initial clues include the number of colours in the plumage at least? Over to someone else now.
I would never have guessed that. You were so patient , it takes up a lot of time from the person who gives the answers.
Thanks Sue. Wonder if someone else wants to be next
Seems there is some reluctance so I'll try better this time. Now this should be easy
This bird is a clown with a colourful name.
Central Victoria
2: Is it in the parrot family?
3. Is it a Rainbow Lorikeet?
That proved easier. Not sure what happened to Q1 but Q2 and Q3 are YES and Elsie has it --- Rainbow Lorrikeet clowning around in Townsville. Now will someone else have a go? Sue
Ok, I'll have a go This bird looks like a pigeon but isn't, and it's name begins with an ocean.
Q1: Does it have red legs? (when mature, immature are dark)
Unless I'm missing something here, this week's challenge has somehow died on us??? Anyway, not that long to go until Monday
Q2: Does it have a boldly barred breast? That might help it along with 2 questions to answer. Apologies if i jumped in. Sue
What are you thinking Sue? I thought it might be a Pacific Gull? Only Elsie can tell us
I thought that it might be a Pacific Baza witha crest like a pigeon but maybe your idea of a gull is the one. We are probably both wrong and Elsie will have something else in mind. Sue
Pacific Golden Plover, but I can't submit anything, if I am right, doubt that I am. This one has been a bit hard I think!
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
I think this whole challenge is a bit slow to be honest.... it doesn't inspire me personally that is for sure
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I hope Elsie is ok, it seems a little strange that she has not come to answer the questions?
Shorty......Canon gear
Gosh! I'm soooo sorry everyone! My computer crashed unexpectedly on Thursday and I have been having lots of trouble getting it started (finding lost data etc). I hope you'll all forgive me for holding this up to badly
Sue818 is right! It is a Pacific Baza, I would post the photo however i can't access it at the moment.
Sorry again!
Oh Elsie , that is totally understandable and please do not think my comments were aimed at you .... not at all . just the general idea of this challenge doesnt work for me at all. it is too hard on the original poster having to be on call each time
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Elsie, so sorry about the computer crash. It is so difficult when that happens which is usually at the most inopportune time. Don't worry about the Pacific Baza picture.
Would some one else like to have a go? I must agree that the challenge is difficult as the questioner has to await each answer and the poster has to be on computer often.
However could I suggest a future thread on juvenile birds. I would love to see some youngsters even though I only have a few. Sue
Thanks for understanding! I'm hoping to be able to access my photos today (fingers crossed)