Sorry I didnt get this up yesterday everyone - but here is your challenge for this week: the rainbow challenge again!
The idea is to post birds from the colours of the rainbow in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Indigo in particular is a tricky one, so you can also substitute BLACK for indigo.
- Post in the order above (with black able to be substituted for indigo)
- Nominate the colour in your post as well
- The colour doesnt have to be the feathers, it can be the feet, beak or eye (hint for the satin bowerbird and violet!)
- Once a bird species is used once, it can't be used again by anyone so plan your usage of the bird carefully!
- Each person must wait 2 turns before posting again.
Here we go!
Plenty of RED in this Rainbow Lorikeet..
Samford Valley Qld.
Orange eye,his name is Elvis ! Bunbury Wildlife Park.
Yellow -
The "green" of a Musk Lorikeet.
There's BLUE on this male Superb fairy Wren....
Samford Valley Qld.
Not a speck of INDIGO on this little guy
, but there is the sub colour black.
Grey Fantail
West Coast Tasmania
Violet - this Splendid Fairywren has violet colours
Back to RED again. Pied Oystercatcher with red eyes.
Samford Valley Qld.
This Red Backed Fairy Wrens back looks orange in the sunlight
Nankeen Kestrel, YELLOW legs
Plenty of GREEN on this male Superb Parrot.
Samford Valley Qld.
Plenty of Blue in this Sacred Kingfisher
Plenty of Black here.
Guess that means we are back to RED.
the red beak of a Silver Gull.
This Pardalote has Orange eyebrows
Yellow next!
Difficult to see, but part of this (female) Pink Robin is bright yellow, which sometimes comes in very handy for ID
West Coast Tasmania
The Capricorn Silvereye has a light GREEN coloured head.
Samford Valley Qld.
I think that we missed VIOLET in the last round but here ia a peaceful BLUE eye ring to be followed by Indigo (or Black) then Violet.
My opinion is that the purple of the Purple Swamp Hen is as close to INDIGO as I can get, fairly close to the colour swatch displayed on Wikipedia anyway. So with Holly's approval (hopefully) back to VIOLET.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
I'm certain there is VIOLET in the plumage of the Straw Ibis.
Looks good to me!
The eyes of a Coucal Pheasant are RED.
Samford Valley Qld.
Orange in Shelduck
Yellow in this King Penguin, taken at Seaworld with the phone through glass. Back to Green.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
The Lewin's honeyeater is dark GREENish in colour.
Samford Valley Qld.
The BLUE eye of a female Satin Bowerbird. (can't remember if I posted it last time we had this topic?)
Blue or Indigo ? in this Yellow-bellied Sunbird
Violet - the male Satin Bowerbird has deep blue-violet plumage
Red this Black Swan's beak and eyes are red
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
The Crested Pigeon has an ORANGE eye, (actually most of them have two!)
Samford Valley Qld.
Regent Bower Bird has YELLOW.
Chestnut Teal has a pretty GREEN
head with a lovely red eye.
How about a Dollarbird? BLUE
At school in the fifties we were taught: Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain
However, it somehow got changed to Richard Of York Gave BIRTH In Vain! lol
Black-winged or White-headed Stilt (lists vary) - has black wings
The RED eye of a White-winged Chough.
Orange legs on Magpie Goose
A Masked Lapwing keeping ever so still so that I won't notice him/her with that bright YELLOW bill.
Samford Valley Qld.
Where was the Chough, M-L?
In my native Cornwall, the Cornish Chough is part of the County's Shield. Living on the steep, coastal cliff faces, it is extremely rare and almost became extinct.
Green Bell Miner
Hey guys
There seems to be a few double-ups going on! Make sure that the bird you are posting hasn't been used before (there are a couple of superb fairy-wrens and satin bowerbirds). I think we have also missed a colour or two along the way - remember the ROYGBIV!
I am not going to go back through and edit out errors now as a few of them are quite far back, lets just keep an eye on things moving forward. We are up to BLUE
Sorry, I misunderstood the rules.
How you you delete a post entirely?
Looks like blue then green played in reverse order so I will continue with Indigo (I say close enough on the throat)
This one was in the Park before you get to Serendip. You'll have to look it up on the map, Wolfgang was always driving and I never paid attention
,we often went there, quite a nice area.
It's past Werribee and turn off at Lara.
Violet - the Azure Kingfisher has violet tinted blue feathers
Plenty of ORANGE on a Spotted Pardalote.
Yellow eye-ring just beginning to show on this Pallid Cuckoo fledgling
West Coast Tasmania