Here are some pics of some new birds for me.
The first 5 are new to me altogether.
The next few are just the best ones I have of that bird so far.
If you look closely at the Blue-Faced Honeyeater you can see pollen on his face.
The Scarlet Honeyeater I like because he is poking his tongue out.
Interesting the Rufous Whistler has a band on it's leg - I wonder what study he is part of ??
Yeah I did notice that. I wonder how I would go about finding out.
Nice selection of birds there. The Black-Winged Stilts came out really well!
Samford Valley Qld.
Great work devster.
All great photos. Lovely shot of the gerygone, very cute bird.
Surprising the length of tongues those honey eaters have.
Nice series of birds, great variety.