Little Grassbird or...

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Rick N
Rick N's picture
Little Grassbird or...

Little Grassbird or Australian Reed Warbler and why?smiley

I am leaning towards the first. Taken Barker Inlet wetlands, Adelaide.

zosterops's picture

Streaks - Little Grassbird. 

SteveM's picture

I'll 2nd Little Grassbird, for same reason as zosterops. Reed Warblers are much plainer overall.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks to both of you, I see what you mean.

BabyBirdwatcher's picture

Or is it a Tawny Grassbird?

lorne.johnson@d...'s picture

Little Grasbird due to streaks on crown. Lorne

BabyBirdwatcher's picture

I thought it was a little grassbird but wanted to raise the other alternative.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Tawny Grassbird would also be well outside range. Thanks all.

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