Hi There,
I'm new to the forum.
I used to live on the Central Coast NSW about 30+ years ago and remember when I was a kid there was a bird we used to hear. Its call was like saying "koo-kackle, koo-kackle, koo-kackle..."
Would anyone be able to please help me ID this bird?
It reads like a Red Wattle Bird to me, Jase. Did you ever get a look at one?
Thanks Woko, I'll look into it. Unfortunately didnt get to see the bird. I just remember the old guy who used to live next door would joke by calling the bird a "Fifth Tackle" bird becuase that what it sounded like it was saying.
Yes, red wattle bird.
i used to, and still do, call spiny cheeked honeyeaters "lipstick birds" becuse of there red beaks.
Wimmera mally region, Vic.