Is this an Australasian Pipit?

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Chris F
Chris F's picture
Is this an Australasian Pipit?

We have quite a few different small birds here.

I think this one could be an Australasian Pipit, is anyone able to confirm?

Quite often seen in company with the Blue Wrens - was with this little female wren the other day and seemed to be following her around.

Thanks everyone


pacman's picture


yes, looks like an Australasian Pipit


Araminta's picture

I think you are right, it's an Australasian Pipit.  (the thought it could be a female Brown Songlark crossed my mind , but I'm with you  , my money is on Pipit)


Woko's picture

Chris, if it was bobbing its tail then that would clinch it I would think.

Chris F
Chris F's picture

Thanks everyone, great to have your feedback cheeky

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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