Australian Hobby

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Rick N
Rick N's picture
Australian Hobby

On Saturday just before dark I took a few photos of a bird that I hadn't seen before for ID purposes, which turned out to be an Australian Hobby.

I was happy to have just seen the bird but,as you do, I thought I may as well have a good look at the photos and see just what quality they were.

With the low light and distance they were not good but playing around in lightroom and going way over the top with sharpen and noise reduction I came up with what I think are a couple of really nice results, sort of a watercolur/pastel effect.

I would have preferred nice crisp shots but sometimes you just have to make do.Plus it was fun to playsmiley

sparrow's picture

Great shots ,I'm yet to get one of a Hobby not for the lack of trying ,I was going to say while you had it in LR you should have fixed the red eye ,but I kinda like it ,Good job !

birdie's picture

Great result Rick from what sounds like a difficult situation.... I have yet to even see one let alone photograph it!

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Rick N
Rick N's picture

You should have seen me stumbling through shoulder high reeds in the failing light trying to go unnoticed smiley

Annie W
Annie W's picture

I am just a tall, oddly shaped, stealithy moving reed with a face birdy, so stay - that is usually where my thoughts are (or, I wonder how many snakes are in here laugh).  Sometimes works for me, and then I get just close enough for a shot and.... off they go.  As birdie said, sounds like you had your work cut out for you, really well done!  Magnificent looking bird.  

West Coast Tasmania

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