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Karen's picture

This is a series of pics I took of the black swans raising their cygnets at Meadowbrook, Qld. 

The first 2 was the first time I saw the babies.  The next when they were a little bit older and I sort of understand the term "ugly duckling".  I think they are totally beautiful though.  And finally before they started learning how to fly. 

The big one on the bank is proud daddy, protecting his mate and their brood.

Araminta's picture

They are just beautiful! So glad they have been breeding in QLD. I hope they are safe and will grow up. The same was not what happened to the ones on my lake, (I put up a question under Black Swan Cygnets, but nobody answered to it), asking if people in Victoria have seen any? As Melbourne Water told me there haven't seen any.

The photos you took are gorgeous, would be good to follow them up if you can. Mine never made it past one week. (Cats, dogs, people throwing stones etc)

I want to share those tiny cygnets with you Karen:


Windhover's picture

Very nice series showing the different stages of ugly duckling-hood. :-)

Karen's picture

Oh, how adorable.  That was the stage I missed, the very young stage.  That pic truly belongs here, showing the cygnets through all the stages.  I am so sorry to learn the little ones didn't survive.  The ones here will probably face dangers once they take off and try out other waterways.  I hope they make it.  This is the second brood that these swans have raised at the lake.

I haven't been able to get back to the lake for a few weeks, but will try this weekend if the weather allows.  Just want to see if they've all taken off by now. 

Brisbane southside.

Karen's picture

I forgot to add the photo of the swan lake.........they amaze me that they are happy to rear their little ones with so many people around.

Brisbane southside.


Nice shots Karen, when we stopped in Lakes Entrance on saturday evening the water was black with swans, easily a 100 or more and quite a few of these had young ones.

Karen's picture

I would love to have seen that.  We only ever see singles or a pair rarely.  To see these two set up a home so near us was wonderful, and to bring up a family two years in a row, amazing.  I hope they stay.  They did go for a while last year but came back to have their second brood.

Brisbane southside.


Here is one a little older, and a shot looking out across the water to our right which shows some of the many.

Karen's picture

What a beautiful youngster.  The waterway there is huge.  Makes me think our lake isn't big enough to support more than the one family.  Thank you for sharing these wonderful pics.

Brisbane southside.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Lovely series of shots. I think they are beautiful at all ages. We saw hundreds when we were coming into Hobart recently

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