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triker1's picture

It's not much of a pic but I was wondering if anyone can ID this BOP. He patrols around our house about 9 every morning. I've tried many times to get a pic of it but I usually just get sky.



Woko's picture

Black kite, I think.

triker1's picture

Thanks Woko, I should have said the location, Port Stephens NSW, I think it's out of the range of black kites. I had a better look at it a short while ago and I think it might be a whistling kite but still not 100% sure.

Woko's picture

I think Pt Stephens might see the occasional black kite, triker. I think I'll stick with that but one of the raptor specialists will have a view on it, I'm sure.

Windhover's picture

I can't see the picture. Will look from home later.

Owen1's picture

I would say it was a juvenile Swamp Harrier.

Cheers, Owen.

ScottTas's picture

Swamp Harrier was my first thought too. Keep working on a better photo! BOP can be fleeting and difficult!



Woko's picture

The white rump would suggest a swamp harrier.

darinnightowl's picture

I think it's a swamp harrier by the wings ,finger tip feathers are up turned

See it!  Hear it!

Mid-North Coast NSW

Windhover's picture

I just checked the image on my phone and will (if I remember) check on my computer at home tonight. I see a light/white rump...
The white/light coloured rump is only found in a Swamp Harrier and if seen is a dead-sure ID feature that is unquestionable.

Woko's picture

I'm wondering if there's a trick of the light involved. There's a light patch on the wing, too. And the white patch on the tail extends to the underside of the body which I don't think happens in a swamp harrier. Further, the wing shape in the swamp harrier is a much sharper V than in this photo. As soon as I saw this photo I thought black kite.

triker1's picture

The bird is much lighter then what the picture shows. I'll grab my binoculars when it does its next fly over and check for the white rump.

Thanks all for the help :)

Windhover's picture


Forgot to look last night, can you e-mail the picture to me please? I'll have a better look.

Male Swamp Harriers are lighter underneath as well Adrian. But it's hard to tell. I honestly forgot to look last night. Too busy cooking.

Woko's picture

Thanks, Windhover. I didn't know that.

Headsie's picture

I instinctively thought harrier when looking at the photo.

Windhover's picture

Seeing the large picture now, I am confident you have an adult Swamp Harrier.

Woko's picture

Here I stand. Corrected. Again.

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